View Full Version : hi i am back

20-12-08, 22:40
i was doing so well then been reallystressed badly the last month my eldest son has walked out after saying some really nasty things to me and my adhd son is bein of this planet lately saying and doing nasty things every time he starts i just shake and it is also my eldest sons birthday on 24th december and i have not heard or seen him since he walked out 7 weeks ago he thinks grass is greener with his dad that beat him and put both of us in hospital and everything is just pants at the moment, all i do is et heartburn acid indegestion and cry ry cry can t deal any ideas please would be grateful or maybe a kick up the bum

20-12-08, 22:45
and to top the lot i had a tooth out 6weeks ago and had an abxcese ever since dentist waiting ti new year to deal with it

21-12-08, 00:16
hi tracey and welcome back matey, im sorry to hear u having so many problems and just before xmas too, im sure once things calm down your son will come back and be sorry, like u say they think the grass in greener for a while until reality sets in.

are you getting any help with your son with adhd? u really sound like u need some time for u matey.

sorry about the tooth, i have major dentist phobia and leave going till the last min when im desperate and i have had lots abssess and they hurt so bad. mayb try docs for penicillon, i did i begged and he gave me some, if they wont then try ask for some strong painkillers.
hugs matey xxx

21-12-08, 10:40
yes i get help with my son but it seems they only help the school not me. i hate dentist sorry dentist i also leave it to last minute as well i was supposed to go back a week after had last tooth out and have another one out but i canceeled it get one sorted before i get another one messed with thank you donna hope all your prbs are now sorted have a great xmas and even better new year