View Full Version : When do the side effects kick in??

20-12-08, 23:47
I just took my first 20mg pill like 2 hours ago...i felt high after 5 mins lol...but i dunno if that was just me putting it on, placebo effect & all that jazz....but i did feel very happy all of a sudden which was weird considering the fact that 2 minutes before i took the pill i was posting on a social anxiety forum stating how much i hated life lol....then i took this pill and it was like all my troubles went away for a few minutes!

Anyway...two hours have gone by, i'm feeling pretty calm at the moment and i feel fine...no side effects or anything, i mean i guess i feel a little heavy on the head, like i could go to sleep, but it's not THAT BAD...i can still function, infact i'm working on an assignment right now...the way people described tiredness as a side effect on here sounded absolutely unbearable...but i'm feeling fine at the moment.

Is that just because it's the first day?? And only 2 hours have gone by?? Will the side effects come later?? Maybe by the end of the week or a few weeks down the line??? Or should i have felt it straight away??

Thanks in advance! :)

Hope everyone else on here is feeling good right now :)

20-12-08, 23:49
you may not get any side effects. for me nausia started after 2.5 hours

21-12-08, 00:33
I'm so sorry you felt nausous after 2.5 hours!! Hope it's got better since!!

Well goodness gracious me, no side effects eh?? Yipeeee lol and here was me getting all worried, i wish i'd taken these wonders sooner!!

Well either way i guess i'll give it a day or two and see how it goes!!

Thanks for the reply!! :)

21-12-08, 01:20
your welcome...if you're not stupid like me and eat something substantial with it your chance of side effects go way down

Mel W
23-12-08, 10:45
your welcome...if you're not stupid like me and eat something substantial with it your chance of side effects go way down
Sorry Avista (or anyone that knows), could you just explain what you mean by that last bit please? I'm not sure I understood.

Do you mean that you SHOULD eat something substantial with it to reduce side effects?

My doctor didn't mention that, that's all.

23-12-08, 19:59
Sorry Avista (or anyone that knows), could you just explain what you mean by that last bit please? I'm not sure I understood.

Do you mean that you SHOULD eat something substantial with it to reduce side effects?

My doctor didn't mention that, that's all.

yes it always helps to eat something with medicine like this to slow absorption and to coat the lining of your stomach so it doesn't get irritated. while not required, it certainly does help... other thing if you start to feel nautious, seems counter productive but again, eat something. then again, tried both those things when my doc upped me to 20 mg yesto, and the side effects have come back, so im not really sure how much difference it does actually make.... best thing, put up with the nausia/dry mouth and know ur not gonna get sick..... worst thing u can do is make urself sick. lol. hope that helps!

Mel W
24-12-08, 10:20
yes it always helps to eat something with medicine like this to slow absorption and to coat the lining of your stomach so it doesn't get irritated. while not required, it certainly does help... other thing if you start to feel nautious, seems counter productive but again, eat something. then again, tried both those things when my doc upped me to 20 mg yesto, and the side effects have come back, so im not really sure how much difference it does actually make.... best thing, put up with the nausia/dry mouth and know ur not gonna get sick..... worst thing u can do is make urself sick. lol. hope that helps!
Thank you avista, it makes sense to eat something with it I suppose. Cheers.