View Full Version : i have no one 2 talk 2, please help me.

21-12-08, 01:38
hello. my names ciara im 21. i have suffered with anxiety since i was 16. i dont really know why but it started off as me worrying about everyone around me and wether they were ok. i was obsessed with my loved ones dying. i went 2 my doctor and he gave me citalopram. lately though my anxiety has turned on myself, i no longer worry about everyone else as much but instead about myself. i suffer terrible headaches that feel like their is so much pressure like my brain is expanding in my head and i get an awful pressure build up in my ears and my eyes. is his normal? my doctor just gives me more pills which i have now become 2 anxious 2 take including my citalopram. i am only getting worse and i dread to think what i will b like in another 5 years 2 come. please please help me understand this all as my doctor is no help and it is taking 2 long on the nhs for proffesional help. thankyou so much.also does anyone recommend herbal remedys?

21-12-08, 02:25
im here to talk if u wanna chat babes
dnt b alone with this anxiety add me on msn if u ave messenger kendricksbabygal@hotmail.com best wishes C.xxx or jus pm me

21-12-08, 03:28
dont start giveing up your beat this you see , theres loads of help on here for you and everyone ,when you been her long enough pop in the chat room your never be alone .......wish you better

21-12-08, 05:23
Hi :)

You can send me a PM (private message) if you ever need to talk. I've been/am going through similar things so even if I can't offer advice, I do understand.

Maybe you could go back to your GP (see a different doctor if you don't like the one you've got) and ask to see a psychologist. Cognitive behaviour therapy does help with the type of thing you're talking about. I honestly don't think there is anything physically wrong with you - anxiety can actually cause headaches! You might get migranes which are worsened by stress.

I don't know a lot about herbal remedies. Sorry.


21-12-08, 11:56
i am going through the same with the headaches if you need to talk my msn is hhowkins@hotmail.co.uk

21-12-08, 20:41

Have a listen to the Dr Claire Weekes downloads, you will find them in the NMP shop section. They will help.

Have you asked your GP about CBT?

It can seem a hard slog at times but things will get better as so many people on this site will be able to tell you. Remember, there are no silly questions so if you need to ask for advice then someone here will be able to help