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28-06-05, 15:25
hello everyone,

I thought I'd best introduce myself. try not to fall asleep.

My name is Louise, and I am 25 (nearly 26) and I have suffered from depression on and off since I was 18.
When I had my first depression episode, I went to my GP. I told him how low I was feeling and his reply was "Oh well, never mind". I couldn't believe it.
I ended up confiding to my Mum who had suffered with depression and anxiety and she told me of a charity who can counsel people with a mental illness.

After a year of counselling, I managed to get through to the other side and felt so much better.
When I was 20, I met my now fiance, who lived 40 miles away. We fell in love etc etc, and he asked me to move in with him. I thought it would be perfect, but I didn't think how much moving to a strange place, without any close friends or family around me and I would have to relocate for my job.
It finally hit me when I was 22 and we went on holiday together. I had had bad times in work, and felt I couldn't trust people, so I cut myself off from seeing people from work socially. I had my first anxiety attack on this holiday, and i didn't know how on earth i was going to cope on the plane home, when i couldn't even get in a taxi to my apartment.

Somehow I managed it, but I ended up pinching myself all the way home to stop me from thinking about my anxiety. I still to this day pinch and hurt myself (not cut) to try and take my mind from the anxiety. I have never told anyone this, not even my counsellor or GP.

I went to see a doctor about my anxiety, but she prescribed me with propanol, and when I was younger, I had asthma, so these tablets kicked my asthma off again.

I went to see another GP, who I still se now, who has been brilliant, and without her I don't think I could have got through it all. After a few attempts, she has found the right medication for me.
A couple of months ago, my sister had quite a serious health scare, and I hoped and prayed, and even said to my fiance, that I wished it was me who wasn't well and not her, because of all the s*** I had been through, one more thing wouldn't matter. I didn't think that me saying this would affect my fiance, but it did.
The health scare was over, as she had all test done and thankfully they all came back negative.
I was still stressed out with what had happened and other things that were going on, so I had to go and see my GP again, as I wasn't sleeping. My GP reduced my paroxetine and increased my dothiepien, but it didn't help. I got more and more agitated as the days went on, so I went back again. ( I hope you are all still awake!!!) My GP had to increase my paroxetine again, and fingers crossed, it appears to be working.

I still have anxiety attacks now and again, and I am stressing myself out about my friend's wedding in a couple of weeks, and I know it is going to be hard, but I think, sorry no I KNOW I will be able to get through it.

I am still seeing my counsellor and my GP regularly. It does take time, but I know I will get there in the end, and if I can get there, so can anybody, unfortunately it takes time.

Sorry for boring you all to tears ;)


28-06-05, 15:48
welcome to the site you are welcome to pm me anytime you need to
(leo05) is my contact name in here

take care

leanne [8D]

28-06-05, 16:04
Hi Louise

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

28-06-05, 16:44
Hi Louise,


There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.


In order to succeed,
we must first believe that we can.

28-06-05, 17:26
hey louise,
welcome to the site! you have not bored me to tears.
it sounds like you have been a lot but you seem to have a positive attitude about it, which is great, and probably is half the battle.
hope to catch you around the site soon - have you visited the chat room yet? it's lots of fun and gets busy after around 8pm.
take care,
henri x

28-06-05, 18:13
Hi Louise,


You know what you're up against and in good spirits to tackle it .

Glad your meds are working now and I'm sure you will enjoy the wedding.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-06-05, 18:51
Hi Louise

A big warm welcome to the forum.

You mentioned that the way you felt affected your partner. Is he ok now.

You are doing fantastic by the sounds of it. Good on you for your possitive thinking

Loads o love


28-06-05, 19:04

A big warm welcome and thanks for the lovely first post.

How were you on Dothiepin? I had to come off it after one day cos it aggrevated my asthma too much?

Hopefully we will give you some support and advice on here to get you back on track and to the wedding where you will actually enjoy it.

Stick around ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

28-06-05, 19:22
Hello and Welcome Louise,

I hope the forum helps you :D

28-06-05, 21:13
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

28-06-05, 21:21
Hi Louise,

welcome to the site, you seem to know all the right things to do, and think, so well done you will getloads of support here to help you carry on yr road to recovery,

good luck with the wedding hope it goes well
take care

kairen x

28-06-05, 21:56
Hi Louise,

A BIG warm welcome to the site and I hope it helps you on your road to recovery.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

29-06-05, 19:50
thank you all so very much! I am sat here whinging away at how nice you've all been. I didn't know so many people were dealing with similar circumstances.

Boyf is ok now, I think. I apologised and tried to explain myself, and things have been good since. He knows that I bottle things up, and the counselling I am having is helping me to deal with it all and get it all out in the open.

Thanks again xxxxx