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21-12-08, 10:19
Hi all.
Im a partially recovered agoraphobic/panic attack sufferer. On the whole I lead quite a normal life although I still dont travel long distances on my own.

I first started with panic attacks about 25 years ago after the birth of my daughter. I became agoraphobic after 5 years and it was a gradual process to recovery.

I can now go abroad although I always have a bit of a relapse in the few weeks before I travel. I still struggle going on journeys on my own and only really do local trips without someone with me.

If I am under the weather or have quite a bit of stress-I generally have a setback but it only usually lasts for a few days.

As I am approaching the menopause and have heard that setbacks are common around this time,I am apprehensive about this and would appreciate any feedback on this.

If I can be of any help or support to anyone else then just call out.I also found the Claire Weeks books a great deal of help in the early days.

Wishing all members a Happy Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.:byebye:

21-12-08, 12:40
Thank you for your welcome Tetley.

Just been in Matalan on my own and really struggled.Hubby dropped me off and nipped to Asda 5 mins away to take something back. It was really hot inside which always makes me worse.Started to get the unreality feeling and the floor turned to cotton wool.(No it was not me - the floor DID turn to cotton wool I swear.) Not one person seemed to notice the bolisha beacon on my head telling everyone Im a looney.I kept getting hotter and thought I would pass out (even though I never have) I just wanted to run out. Thankfully there was no-one waiting at the till so I managed to pay....and then run out.Now I am back home and feeling daft for letting it get the better of me again. Will I do anything different next time??? Probably not.lol

David Gamage
21-12-08, 13:09
hi there is hope for you i became agoraphobic when i had depression 4 years ago i tried just walking short distances then when i got confident little further each time i found paul mekenna book cd insant confidence helpful plus relaxation cds hope this helps it is possible to overcome take care dave

21-12-08, 16:14
Hi Lori,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Take care,
