View Full Version : How is it possible to become terrified of a thought

21-12-08, 16:35
Hi, for weeks now since abrupt withdrawal from meds i have had high anxiety and panic and a terrifying off the wall bizarre thought that is totally irrational yet so real when it comes, which is often. Part of me knows its irrational yet another part of me is so scared of it. My GP says its part of the anxiety, however bizarre and will go when that does but my huge fear is that it will keep coming even when anxiety goes away. I can understand people being afraid of dogs, snakes etc and i could see that and get closer to it until brave enough to touch it and overcome it but how do we do that when we are afraid of something we can't see, like a bizarre thought for example. Can anyone help please, love Carol.

21-12-08, 18:36

The illness is all about thoughts anyway. We are scared of our thoughts because the thoughts cause the symptoms. You can have scary intrusive thoughts that can send you into terrible panic which is awful.

The fact that you have had abrupt withdrawal from your meds isn't good. You are probably suffering some withdrawal. Why did you come off them, and how long ago and which med? Scary thoughts are common in withdrawal I know cos I had them.

Take care of yourself and if it gets any worse go and see gp. You may have to go back on med and wean off gradually.

21-12-08, 18:51
Hi there I too suffer from obsessive thoughts and know the extreme upset and distress these cause. The first thing I will say is that abrubt withdrawal from your meds is certainly making this problem worse, I dont know what you were on but all meds for anxiety/panice must be tappered off otherewise you will get rebound symtoms. You have two choices here go back to your gp/specialist and discuss a withdrawal programme if you think you can survive without meds, the reality is unfortunately that some of us may need medication all our lives, I have acceppted this fact for myself, I hate taking them as I feel weak for having to depend on them but they help so I keep taking them. Your second choice is what you are doing at the moment basically going cold turkey which is very very uncomfertable by the sound of it, I have considered doing this myself as well jsut to see if I can cope without the meds but have always chickened out of actually doing it. One thing I can tell you re the obsessive thoughts I find that time is the ultimate healer when I suffer from obsessive thoughts they plague my mind but as each days passes they bother me less and less till finally they are still there but I can handle them,
hope this helps Owain

21-12-08, 19:39
Thankyou both, my anxiety started after they stopped morphine 6 weeks after surgery. I have been lucky as for 47 years of my life i never had anything like this, no anxiety, panic or bizarre thoughts. I did have valium for just over two weeks during this withdrawal but it was stopped due to side effects. I am just scared that the thought content is so bizarre and that it won't go when the anxiety does. Thanks best wishes, Carol.