View Full Version : Do some replies worry you more???

21-12-08, 17:23
I feel so worried again :weep: . I posted a thread on here the other day cos I was worried about a pain I have in my chest. I'm always so releived to get replies and reassurance from you all. This time however one of the replies has made me worry even more :weep: . I know it's my own fauly for being this was and no one would ever want to say anything to make me worry but I get so panicked about things. You will see from my previous post what I'm talking about.
Please, please could someone reassure me:weep: , I had a clear chest xray 15 months ago and took great comfort from that. Now I worry that I should have had a CT scan instead. My GP has never suggested one and dosen't want to see me anymore. I hate tests and would be petrified if I had to have a scan!! Should I stay comforted from the clear xray?
I would really, really appreciate your replies, this is ruining Xmas for me :weep: .

21-12-08, 17:46
Please try not to worry sometimes GP's send people for further testing even if they dont really think there is something wrong...just to put our minds at rest. If your GP was seriously concerned about any of your symptoms he/she would have sent you for further testing. I have come to realise that yes doctors do make mistakes but most of the time they are correct(thats what the are paid thousands of pounds each year for), so if they are not concerned then we shouldn't be. I kept saying to my husband "what if the doctor has missed something" "what if the doctor has got it wrong"...but have come to accept that is health anxiety and not reality. I hope this helps you find some comfort to relax for Xmas time...Wishing you a happy and healthy new year xxx

21-12-08, 18:08
Dear Vinny, I have read your previous post and seen the reply that has worried you. I understand where you are coming from, but I honestly don't think you need to be concerned. There is no indication that the poster in question's chest xray 'missed something', simply that her doctor wants to run further tests because the symptoms are still there. Your GP sees no reason to do that and considers your clear xray to be definitive. Focus on that and put all thoughts of CT scans out of your mind - remember, your doctor does not think you need one. Doctors' mistakes hit the headlines, but they obviously get it right in the vast majority of cases. Rest assured that your doctor has given you the very best of care and that no further tests are warranted. Good on you for stopping smoking, 18 months on I am sure your smokefree lungs are getting healthier by the day, not the other way round! :)

Best wishes to you from Annie

21-12-08, 20:14

You said it yourself, your GP doesn't want to see you anymore and hasn't requested you go for a scan. In other words everything is fine as far as that is concerned. Have confidence in your GP's decision and look on it as a big positive. I wanted to go for a 3D scan of my heart because I was sure there was something that must have been missed in my ECG and treadmill test, even though the results came back as perfect. I was just feeding my fear and making things worse but as soon as I accepted that my GP and hospital were right "hey presto" the pains went away.

21-12-08, 23:41
I thought as far as lungs and smoking went they could find out everything they need to know, please dont worry,

22-12-08, 08:56
Thank you all so much for replying to my post. I feel much happier now x

22-12-08, 09:36
Glad we could help vinny. hope u have a lovely worry free xmas xx

Boos Mum
22-12-08, 10:23
I have long standing heart issues and never been offered a ct scan.

I think its hard when it could be just stress or somthing real, sometimes its worth getting stuff checked out esp if your someone at risk (smoker,bad diet, over weight)

I guess you can't win sometimes

22-12-08, 15:24
I'm very sorry if my post worried you more. That was the furthest from my intentions. I just thought that if you've had on-going symptoms that you're still worried about that a scan, which shows the lungs in greater detail, would set your mind at ease and you wouldn't worry so much. I'm positive that you're just fine. I was just trying to help but I guess I went about it in the wrong way. Once again, I'm very sorry.

22-12-08, 16:08
My husband has recently had a chest problem and the consultant that he had assured us that x-rays were at their best on lungs and bones and today's x rays are much more sophisticated then they used to be and therefor the need for further diagnosis is not always necessary. If nothing showed up on the x-ray you can rest assured your doctor is confident that all is Ok. Dont forget you have a health anxiety and I'm sure that is something you doc took into account when he reported to you.

23-12-08, 08:05
SMCC......you've made my day, that you so much for your reassurance.

Have a gready Xmas xxx

23-12-08, 08:08
Lamentinglaura......I feel so much better now, you really don't need to apologise. I just get panicked by replies sometimes.....silly I know.

Have a great Xmas xxx