View Full Version : worrying about taking son to cencert

21-12-08, 17:28
Hi all, I am bang in the middle of horrible anxiety lasting 8 weeks so far.
My problem is that the charity dreams come true have organised for my 13 yr old son to meet his heroes status quo (dont ask ha ha) before there concert tomorrow night mon 22nd dec.
I am in a constant state of panic and worrying thoughts and i dont know if i can do it, my head is heavy feel sick constantly and nervous tum.
I dont know waht to do, please help.
Docs given all clear on any health probs but still a long way to go in convincing myself.

Diane O'Brien
21-12-08, 17:34
Hi Jocutts

Wow I bet your son is delighted. I,m sure they will put u at ease. I bet they are used to meeting people who are nervous, I bet they are lovely people. After the meeting try and relax and you can enjoy the concert with your son. Ooooooh and please let us know how u get on. It sounds great.

Take Care

Diane xxx