View Full Version : worried about tomorrow

21-12-08, 19:22
I have an appointment for my ultrasound scan to look at my aorta tomorrow and i am soooo scared. My appointment is not until 4pm so i have a long wait all day with 2 kids as my husband is working. The letter said they wont give me the results on the day it will be sent to my GP....I hate waiting:weep:

21-12-08, 19:36
I know how worrying it is to have tests and wait for results, but there is every chance that it will all come back normal! I had an ultrasound on my heart a few years ago as my father died very young from heart disease and I had developed a few worrying symptoms, which in the end showed nothing wrong and my heart is fine. Depending on who does the scan, they may be able to reassure you on the day, even if you have to wait for the final report to be sent to your GP. Let us know how you get on and try to stay positive and enjoy Christmas - I am sure there will be every reason to!


21-12-08, 19:42
Anniemags...thank you so much i am sooo nervous i dont think i can wait til 4pm tomorrow, i just want it out the way and want the results. I am terrified it shows something and also scared they wont tell me anything tomorrow saying i will need to wait for the report. I hope to god everything is ok and i can enjoy xmas with my family. My neck feels all tense and i can feel a headache dizzy spell coming on...wish i could just switch off and pretend its not happening.

21-12-08, 19:50
Vicster, hang in there and try not to let it take over. Rest assured that if they scan you and then let you go home, it is not going to be anything life-threatening. And if it is not life-threatening, then you can deal with it, right? :) Hugs, Annie

21-12-08, 19:52
yeah I sooo hope u are right. Even if they just found a small
aortic aneurysm i know i would be terrified and scared and upset. I just want to know either way. Feel guilty too as I aint been happy since doctor referred me and the kids are prob picking up on it bless them

22-12-08, 17:30
thanks again for your support guys...scan went well i am perfectly healthy....happy as larry now lol xx

22-12-08, 17:43
Congrats Vicster! Very happy for ya.

22-12-08, 18:11
That's fantastic news - I'm so pleased for you.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
You can stop worrying now and have a lovely Christmas with your children and husband.:hugs:

22-12-08, 18:36
Yeah i finally feel in the christmas spirit lol. Cant wait for xmas day now...its going to be fun(and so am i...rather than worried and miserable lol) xx

22-12-08, 18:39
So glad your scan showed that you are fine :hugs:

22-12-08, 23:44
brilliant news!!