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21-12-08, 20:31
I've got a book that is good. I confess i haven't finished it yet but i'm about half way through. Iit makes a lot of sense. Christine Ingham, Panic Attacks.
Hope this helps :-)

21-12-08, 21:29
Yes it is good. I sell this book in the shop - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop

Veronica H
21-12-08, 21:42
Yes, I've read this one and would also recommend it.


21-12-08, 22:52
I bought this yesterday and read it from cover to cover, it was brilliant. I started having a panic attack last night as I was setting off on a 36 mile journey up the motorway, and although I didn't stop the intial discomforts, I did manage to stave off a full attack.

I plan to read it again tomorrow!!