View Full Version : New here with Palpitations

Boos Mum
21-12-08, 21:25
I'm here really because of my husband, he thinks I worry too much :huh:

I'm 30, 10 years ago out the blue I had sinus tach, they gave me a beta blocker and I was pretty good until last Dec. I even enjoyed a latte habit :winks:

It was the day after a shot to induce ovulation out the blue a SVT came one, along with dizziness etc. Went to A&E/ER and they didn't know why. The next month I had sinus tach or a SVT almost daily, I also had low BP, but hey I was newly pregnant and you know, hormones :huh:

Things didn't improve, didn't help I was puking my guts out too of course. After about 20 weeks my resting heart rate stayed over 100, sometimes 130. After many A&E/ER trips later, holter monitors (only picked up tachs never a SVT of course) they induced me.

After the baby I felt very very weak, again, I was tachy but also brady too 40-170 was normal for me.

Now it's been 4 months since having my DD, almost daily I wake up with either sinus tach or an SVT, I have a pulse ox thing so I know how fast I'm going, I get shakey after, like a seziure, it scares the crap out of me, I sweat.

Hubbie thinks I worry therefor I get more of them, cardiologist is useless. I'm still on the beta blocker.

It is runing my life, when it happens I can't nurse the baby, I am scared of dying. And I'm not sure if it is my heart or my heart being a tad wonky but worrying taking it over the top.

2 strange things...

I also developed a fear of meds, pills, new foods, creams that I may be allergic

and when I get these "attacks" I often have to run to the loo.

Anyone able to relate? I just feel alone.

I posted in 2 areas, hope that is OK, not sure what is busier here :unsure:

Veronica H
21-12-08, 21:40
Many of the symptoms you describe sound like typical anxiety/panic symptoms. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is available from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded free to your MP3 from the NMP Shop too. If you are thinking about CBT, but are on a waiting list, there is a very good free online course called www.livinglifetothefull.com (http://www.livinglifetothefull.com/). Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.

Boos Mum
21-12-08, 22:06
What is CBT?

I know something is "wrong" since it comes out the blue, I just think I make it worse, KWIM?

22-12-08, 07:42
Hey Boos, CBT = Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

25-12-08, 19:54
Hi Boo,

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

Boos Mum
25-12-08, 20:53
still not allowed in the chat, thanks everyone for saying hello