View Full Version : my gran's in hospital and i'm very worried and scared

21-12-08, 23:33
hey, last night my Gran had a fall at her house and she was taken to hospital and she has broken her leg and they opperating on her tomorrow. i'm so so worried about her. and she's very frail and i'm not sure she will survive an operation. i'm feeling really anxious and i don't quite know what to do with myself. any advice? is it possible for an old frail lady to survive an operation?
please reply ASAP
Luv louise

21-12-08, 23:52
absolutely it is possible even likely. this is very minor surgery and she should be fine. just think about going there tomorrow or the next day and seeing her smiling face again.

22-12-08, 00:02
thats what i'm trying to do but its so difficult, i just keep thinking about all the negatives and all the bad things that could go wrong. she's gotta have a metal plate put into he leg or something, i don't know much about the opperation.
Luv Louise

22-12-08, 00:18
the worst thing you can do is find out about the operation or statistics or anything like that. just think positively (I know easier said than done) and the outcome will be positive.

22-12-08, 07:44
Hi Louise

I'm sorry to hear about your gran's fall. Try not to worry too much if you can, she will need you when she comes out of the op. The doctors will have assessed her situation and determined her general health etc. They would not give her a general anesthetic if there was a suggestion it was unsafe for her. There are other things they can do in those cases.

Operations are very safe these days and things rarely go wrong. When they do it usually major op's and they would make you fully aware of any risks before hand.

Of course there are never any guarantees with any proceedure but they are very knowledgable and experience in operating on the elderly, so try to trust that they know what they are doing.

Keep us posted.

Diane O'Brien
22-12-08, 10:08
Hi Louise

I,m sorry your Gran had a fall, I,m sure your Gran will be O.K. The hospital staff will surely look after her. Let us know how your Gran gets on.

Take Care

Diane xxx

22-12-08, 10:21
I'm sure your gran will be fine , but she will need your support. It sounds like you have a very close bond with her which I had with my gran, I'm sure she very much appriciates that. Wishing you and your gran all the best.

22-12-08, 15:21
I sympathise with u loads.....my nan fell over and broke her hip the other week! shes 84 and came through the operation ok...so i am sure urs will too!

i know its hard...i am very worrried too...
chin up xxx

30-12-08, 02:59
hey, sorry i havn't replied sooner, just wanted to say thanks so much for all your support at this time. my gran came through the op okay, she is still in a lot of pain and she's so frail and so thin so i'm really concerned about her.

30-12-08, 12:25
I am so sorry to hear about your Nan hun, she is in the best place and will be well looked after. Try and be positive:hugs::hugs:xx

30-12-08, 12:49

Sorry to hear of your Nans accident and am pleased to hear she got through the operation, I hope she is doing ok.

Carol x

30-12-08, 12:59
hiya and im sorry to hear about your gran but im pleased the op went well hun. im sure with all the love and support she gets that she will b better in no time. hugs xxx