View Full Version : Frustrating

22-12-08, 00:03
How many of you understand perfectly that panic attacks are only a rush of adrenaline concentrated in one point of your body? How many of you know that feeling dizzy, light headed or about to faint is only a lack of oxygen to your brain when you feel stress? How many of you have realised that the pains that appear in our leg, stomach (like IBS) of headaches are only caused by our mind?

And despite all that, how many of you, like me, have been struggling for so many years to overcome those issues?

This is so frustrating, but I shall win it at the end; I know I will...

22-12-08, 06:12
That is the worst part of it.
Knowing that in reality theres nothing actually wrong with you but you can't stop whats going on.
It's a horrible feeling being powerless against your own body.

22-12-08, 16:43
I've been dizzy and lightheaded for several days now - almost a week. Does that mean that I've had a lack of oxygen to my brain for almost a week now??? That thought is not too comforting....