View Full Version : Newby - confused

22-12-08, 08:01
Hi all,
I am so glad to find this forum. There are others out there who suffer anxiety!
I don't know where to post but I want to tell my story and see if I can get some advice or help.

2 years ago I needed surgery to have my gall bladder removed. I became rather worried about surgery and the fact that maybe I wouldn't fall asleep and would feel it. That seemed rather weird to me because I have always thought of myself as "sensible, balanced, "normal"....:D . anyway I had the surgery and woke up feeling awful. I had expected to be bouncing the following day and was shocked to wake up after my first night feeling just horrid. I felt ill. This continued for weeks. I seemed to go to and from the GP Drs alot. She did all tests possible to see what was wrong. I suffered diarrhea, feeling ill every morning (fine in afternoons).
During this time I really lost confidence. I started to feel nervous going out incase I had a bout of diarrhea. If my stomach felt gripey I would feel paniced. I also had a couple of bouts of dizziness - very random - I would wake up in the middle of the night with the room spinning.
Then I started to feel paniced shopping in a supermarket. When I logically thought it through I would say the reason was "I don't feel 100% well, what if I get dizzy?" I would force myself to continue and talked myself through the situation.
The diarrhea eventually stopped. I think this was related directly to no gall bladder. But the dizziness had scared me so much that I was constantly afraid it would happen again.
Over the past year I have woken with the dizziness once more. It stops as soon as I sit up but the response I have to it is shear PANIC. Looking back I wonder if it is positional - the way I lay at night which is causing it.
Because of the dizziness I now am left with a horrible fear. Sometimes when driving in the car if I look down and then up and get that weird feeling of motion the SURGE OF FEAR rushes through me.
My question is - WHY does this happen? I logically tell myself "it's OK, it's normal movement" but why do I continue to get the surge of panic and fear -adenalin run through me? I can't see how I will ever get rid of it.

Even if I think of the word DIZZINESS I feel the panic and adrenalin.
Will it ever leave me?

Please help me, I just want to be normal again without fear and panic.
I don't actually have a panic attack, I just feel that surge of fear rush through me and I am able to work through it in my head.


22-12-08, 16:58
You are very normal. It is ok to fear what we dont know. The dizziness will go away as soon as you dont fear it anymore. I also had a bad case of the dizzies. I was so scared of falling over or fainting that it was the first thing I thought of when I woke up and the last thing on my mind when I went to bed. I finally got to the point where I felt like I was losing it again and decided not to fear it anymore. I have never fallen over or fainted from it so my fears were all in my head. I still get a little loopy when I am overtired but I dont fear it anymore. It will get better for you. Let me know if I can help. Take care....

23-12-08, 03:54
Thank you so much for replying to my post.

I guess I just need to know HOW to stop thinking about it?

I don't think I obsess over it. Compared to what I read here I don't consider myself to have a awful problem, but I am very aware it COULD turn into one if I don't get a grip of the situation!

Sometimes just out of the blue i get a feeling of fear/dread/adrenaline surge for no apparent reason - my day can be going fine and I suddenly realise that I'm feeling anxious. All I do is busy myself and tell myself to get-over-it. It does go away but I DON'T WANT IT TO COME in the first place! How do I stop it?

I just wish that I KNEW what caused the dizziness to begin with so I could logically tell myself it WILL NOT happen because.... I blame it on my neck because it suits me to - why else would you wake up out of a deep sleep dizzy? And I did have a sore neck at the time. Also I once woke up dizzy - my neck was twisted back and on the side, when I moved my head I realised the feeling stopped instantly, so I'm guessing (HOPING) that's the reason.

Could it possibly be when I get tired it's worse?? Some late nights I just feel woozy.

So, I feel like i'm dealing with this well but I NEED to know how to stop it happening, how to just cut it right out of my thoughts and how to become that strong, brave person who feared nothing a few years back!

any tips??

how did you get to the point you are at now?