View Full Version : Panic attacks due to lack of sleep

David Gamage
22-12-08, 12:16
I seem to find that if I worry about a slightest thing such as an exam or holiday, it sounds stupid but I know that I won't sleep that night and therefore my panic attacks are worse and I feel as if i have no energy and I can't do what I am set out to do. Then because of this I seem to make excuses in my mind and this makes me feel more guilty but I know how it all works but can't seem to find a solution. I know it is a sub-concious thing but it's not as simple as it seems.

22-12-08, 12:55
snaplack of sleep and my attacks are alot worse and feel so deflated and irritable but like you i have also not found a solution other than when you needto sleep let it happen if yu can i slept most of esterday and today had a lie in thefirst one in a very long time but today i feel a bit bettertc tracy

Boos Mum
22-12-08, 14:12
when I dont sleep my palps are worse, more adrenile trying to keep you awake s I am sure you'll have more attacks

David Gamage
22-12-08, 17:03
Thanks for sharing your thoughts at least i know i'm not the only one out there. :hugs:
Many Thanks,
David Gamage

22-12-08, 20:23
If I'm too short on sleep, its a given that my anxiety level is going up. Toss in some stress on top of that the chances of a panic attack go way up for me.

22-12-08, 20:58
Yes! Yes!

It is very important to me to get my sleep. Without sleep my anxiety attacks are much more difficult to get throught. One of my biggest symptoms now is my insomnia; but I am slowly getting a handle on this one.

You need your sleep, so see if you can find out what natural remedies that help sleep are available to you and work for you.

At different times I have used: Calcium/Magnesium supplments, Vitamin B Stress Complex, Camomile or Chamomile Tea, Valerian,... there are others. Sometimes even warm milk.

I know what you are going through with the insomnia. And I know that the anxiety will still be there after you have improved your sleep. But for me, getting more of the sleep I need has been the important first step. With good sleep, I find that I have more energy and perspective to deel with the anxiety.

Dealing with the anxiety is still difficult, but possible. :flowers: