View Full Version : I can't stop crying

22-12-08, 12:32
I have been crying everyday for weeks and can't seem to stop. I have depression which is difficult to handle most days but when it's Christmas it's so much worse.
I have low self esteem, a total feeling of worthlessness. I have a family which I 'put on a front' for but inside my stomach is doing somersaults, I am constantly anxcious.
It's just all getting too much and i had to tell someone.:weep:
Thanks for listening.

22-12-08, 13:49
We're listening my friend and you go ahead and get it out on here. xxx I do know how you feel and it is completely awful.

Are you on an anti depresant - or do you have anything for the anx?

22-12-08, 15:15
I know how you feel, I cry at least twice a week, the only thing that stops me crying more is that I am usually around people. I agree with everyone on here, talk about it, it may help.

Diane O'Brien
22-12-08, 17:39
Hello Oakwood

Please don't think u have to deal with this by yourself. Speak to someone wether its your GP or family. Do not feel you have to put a front on, there is nothing to feel ashamed about, do tell someone who can help. I to suffered depression like you, you are not worthless, your ill who needs a little help right now.

Diane xxx:bighug1:

22-12-08, 17:57
Hi Oakwood,

Depression is a horrible illness, I have Bipolar and so am up and down all the time, it's really not nice and what makes it worse is not having anybody to talk to. Are you close to your family ? Luckily, I have a great dad that also suffers with the same, he's brilliant help when i'm at my lowest times, although my partner is supportive and caring he doesn't quite know what to say sometimes and so, it's good to talk to people who have been there.

Everyones here to listen if you need to talk.

I hope you feel better really soon with the help from your GP, family and support here.

Take good care of yourself xxx