View Full Version : Too scared to go to the doctors?

22-12-08, 13:11
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I was just needing some advice.

I've been housebound for quite a while due to the fact I have M.E. And 2 weeks ago I had an ear infection and really needed to see one a doctor, and seen as they refused to come out I had to literaly drag myself down there, at the point of fainting, got in a huge panic attack and the doctor had to come down to reception. But my ear infection hasnt fully cleared and there refusing to come out or give me more drops over the phone so it looks like im going to have to go again, but after last time im SO scared of going, I cant bring myself to make an appointment, I really dont want to have to sit around waiting, be around a load of people, just generally be there. Im not use to been out at all and busy places make it worse, and im scared of doctors as it is.

Is it best just to fight the fear and get it over with? Im risking making my M.E worse but I really dont want to go through christmas with this bloomin ear infection making me feel pants!

Also, what kind of things can I do to calm myself down while im out in public? I just seem to panic! And want to leave, generally I think its mainly because my M.E kicks in, but I use to faint alot when I 1st got ill and I think im scared of that, I was scared to death of fainting at the doctors and now im too scared to go back incase I feel the same way again. It just seems like such a huge mission!

Keep going
22-12-08, 22:41
Hi April, i use to feel like this. but i used my CBT to get through it. its really worth doing. But it does take time.

But for know, is there anyone you can go with?? to reduce the anxiety?? or if not. can you get a time, where its less busy?? If they ask, why a specific time, just tell them that you get anxious in crowded places. I'm sure your not the first person to ask this and you'll not be the last. If you need any more advice just ask :)


23-12-08, 00:20
i agree with stu, i use the same things i take somebody with me and ask for an appoinment at a really quiet time, less people for me means reduced anxiety my doctors are aware of my anxiety and agoraphobia and without asking said if i felt really bad they could put me in a room by myself so i didn't feel so bad
Good luck

25-12-08, 20:53
I wish i had saw this post earlier :mad:

Did you speek to a doctor hun when trying to get a repeat prescription or was it the receptionist?

I know doctors are busy and find it difficult to do house calls BUT ffsk you had already been seen by the doctor and it would have taken them 2 seconds to write out a repeat prescription. I hate hearing this kind of thing!.

How are you now hun and did you manage that second appointment?

Love Lisa

19-02-10, 20:41
I know this wont help specifically for the medication you required April, but there are several treatments for common conditions available with an online consultation and prescription (for people worried about going to the doctors). The online service is fully regulated in the UK by the Care Quality Commission. See
http://www.doctorfox.co.uk for further information