View Full Version : Health Anxiety Driving Me Nuts

22-12-08, 14:05
Hi Im Chris And Im Convince I Have A Heart Problem I Constantly Feel Sick Find It Hard To Breath. I Can't Calm Down For Some Reason I Feel Every Movement And Heartbeat. It's Taking Over My Life. I Always Go To The Toilet Constant. I Don't Take Medication Just Calm Tablets As I Don't Beleave In Them. How Can I Get It Out Of My Head To Stop Overthinking Every Thing I Do Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22-12-08, 14:45
Hi Im Chris And Im Convince I Have A Heart Problem I Constantly Feel Sick Find It Hard To Breath. I Can't Calm Down For Some Reason I Feel Every Movement And Heartbeat. It's Taking Over My Life. I Always Go To The Toilet Constant. I Don't Take Medication Just Calm Tablets As I Don't Beleave In Them. How Can I Get It Out Of My Head To Stop Overthinking Every Thing I Do Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Chris. I wish I could give you some advice. I have been living with panic disorder/health anxiety/general anxiety for over 25 years.

I could tell you that nothing is wrong. I could assure you that you are not going to die from this. But it wouldn't do any good, as I know from experience.

I also don't believe in taking medication (plus the fact that I am too paranoid about the side effects), so I have tried counseling, relaxation techniques (for some reason they seem to make my attacks worse), and distracting myself - this seems to work the best for me.

When I begin to panic, I have found that losing myself in something else calms me down somewhat.

Is your panic/anxiety a 24/7 thing? Do you find when you are busy you don't think about it as much?

Are there any times when you don't have your symptoms?

22-12-08, 14:57
As Soon As I Realise That I Am Feeling Ok It All Starts Again. Ive Lost A Good Bit Of Weight Cos I Drink Water To Calm Me And I Tense Up Alot I Only Feel Relxed When Im Sleeping But I Wake At Like 3am Wide Awake Hoping Its Daylight Because Its A Nightmare Tryin To Get Back To Sleep . Friends And Family Don't Understand The Terror Of Thinking Your Going To Die At Least 10 Times A Day

22-12-08, 15:20
I have sent you a message i hope i can help you out, nic xx

22-12-08, 17:17
Zippy ,

dear have you had any tests done? ECG, x-rays, bloods, or even just had your BP checked? If they come out normal, or have been normal in the past, you have NOOOO REASON TO WORRY.

I've had a heart obsession in the past. It got SO bad that I was having skipped heart beats, thuds, weird feelings in my chest all the time. Your heart is fine! It's supported you this long, it's not gonna stop working just by your failure to ignore your every beat...so just ignore it. Let it be. You're not gonna die!

How old are you? If you're young then I must say I feel for you. I'm 19 and since June I've had HA. It DOES GET BETTER. I think 3 months I TOTALLY focused on my heart.

I also get bouts of feeling out of breath and not being able to breathe...it's all related to anxiety. I started to calm down eventually and not listen to my heart and take my pulse all the time, and it did work.

Welcome to the site, it's great comfort for us HA sufferers.

23-12-08, 09:58
im trying to calm down i have had a few tests done and the doctor said they where clear . but there was few people from where i live just died in there street that scares me . one was even a good living girl the same age as me. take this morning i woke up feeling sick took my tablet for my acid stomach 'then i walk to work with a light head and cant focus right. im in work 1 hour and already ive have feelings of sick neck pain weird pains in my head and been to toilet twice. does everyone else feel this way?