View Full Version : lump in abdomen - sheer panic

22-12-08, 14:45
Just read a story online about a woman who had the same kind of lump in her abdomen as I have (mid-lower right abdomen, sausage shaped, right side of tummy visibly bigger than left) and her doctor couldn't feel it (neither could two of mine), and it turned out to be cancer, stage iv. I'm in complete panic over this. I've been to see doctors all year and yet I feel I never had a proper test done, though I did have a clear ultrasound (and ultrasound detected the cancer for the woman in the article).
I'm currently waiting for another ultrasound which I'll have in January, and I'm also waiting for the results of a stool test - but I'm panicking, I can't breathe, my behaviour is inexplicable, it's inpossible to be around me. I've had a lot of "scares" that were just down to anxiety, but this feels different and real, and my family is fed up with me and they are sure it will be fine, while I keep crying and reading about death and I can't lie down or hav a shower or go to the toilet without compulsive checking and freaking out over the lump and thining it had got bigger. This is the lowest I have ever felt and I don't have a single positive thought and I'm so sure things won't work out this time. :weep::weep::weep:
And people with HA must be the worst cancer patients ever... so even after diagnosis it will be hell and my famly will hate me for being right :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:

22-12-08, 16:35
If your GP couldn't find the lump does that mean it tends to come and go? To me it sounds like you are maybe just feeling your intestines. I can feel mine when I lay down and prod around, like you I can mainly feel it on the lower left hand side too. I've been to my GP and she examined me and said that is what it is.

22-12-08, 17:09
Oh man, did you read this on Yahoo? They had a video about it right? I can't go to Yahoo until that story dissappears. Is it the same one? Yahoo said woman correctly diagnosis self with cancer...

House fan
22-12-08, 17:30
Hi Amu,

You really have got yourself into a bit of a state unecessarily, and I hope I can reassure you a wee bit.

First things first, calm down and read this carefully.

Imagine for a minute that you are a plumber, and you have been called to someone's home to do a job. When you arrive, you see 23 feet of tubing lying on the floor, all in a nice straight line. The customer wants you to start folding this tubing, and fold, and even more folding, until it fits into a slightly large hot water bottle, and remember, the tubing must still work absolutely perfectly for no less than 70 years. Imagine you manage to do this job, and then the customer presses on the hot water bottle, and tells you that he can still feel the tubing below the surface. You would probably scream, wouldn't you?

I can assure you that you do not have cancer! You are feeling your intestines as Alabasterlyn has said. Nothing more and nothing less.

Do you know that an ultrasound can detect a little over a thimble of fluid in the abdomen, and that it is the instrument of choice used to examine every baby from conception to birth all over the world? They use it of course because it's reliable at detecting certain things, including tumours. And your right, the ultrasound picked up the tumour on the woman you were reading about, why wouldn't it, that's it's job! I can assure you that it would have picked up any abnormalities in your own abdomen also.

Please stay calm and think about what I've said, I hope it helps a bit. Googling is not a good idea when you are bothered with HA, you know that babe.


22-12-08, 18:52
I think this is the point where you know that it is HA:

I've been to see doctors all year and yet I feel I never had a proper test done, though I did have a clear ultrasound (and ultrasound detected the cancer for the woman in the article).

As House said, if you had a tumour then the ultrasound would have picked it up. Particularly a tumour big enough to be felt and even seen from the outside. It would be a huge tumour in that case. But a huge tumour wasn't found because it isn't there. There isn't a small one either.

Once thoughts start down this track for an HA person it's hard to divert them but it can be done, we've all done it including you. You can do it again. Just be patient and try to follow the thoughts that know that it is HA rather than those that do not.

22-12-08, 23:57
you poor thing, listen to the good advice on this thread, , I do everything you have just described it is HA (((hugs)))

23-12-08, 16:56
Thank you guys, you are great! I know I have HA, I've had many of these "attacks" i the past three years over various symptoms, but this time as it's visible and can be felt etc... it feels much more real than a headache or difficuly swallowing or other HA symptoms. I hoped I would forget it after the ultrasound because it would have to be huge and it would show up but somehow I slowly got myself into a state again and now every shower or other occasion when I have an opportunity to see and examine my stomach causes a perfect panic attack.
thanks again, will try to behave reasonably until I get the results of the tests.

24-12-08, 19:28
I googled sausage shape lump in abdomen, and lots came up - but none of it cancer related. I don't think cancerous masses grow in sausage shapes. And they certainly aren't moveable and they don't come and go. I get it too (although mine is on the left). I think it is poo or gas or the gut wall contracting and going hard briefly.
I sympathise though. especially about the compulsive checking. At the moment I compulsively check for breast lumps - despite recently having a clear mammogram and breast ultrasound. Everyday I think I've found a new lump. It's horrible, this HA, isn't it??

06-01-09, 20:49
I acted like a complete idiot today in front of my family, sitting in the bath frantically looking for the lump. I thought I could feel it one moment and it felt hard and big, but then I felt the same thing just smaller on the other side. Then both disappeared and I couldn't find it however hard I pressed my belly.
I am a complete idiot, made myself sore, and acted like a crazy person. I'm scheduled for the ultrasound on the 20th... Can't wait for the results so I can get over this stage one way or another.

maureen berry
26-11-09, 13:12
Just read a story online about a woman who had the same kind of lump in her abdomen as I have (mid-lower right abdomen, sausage shaped, right side of tummy visibly bigger than left) and her doctor couldn't feel it (neither could two of mine), and it turned out to be cancer, stage iv. I'm in complete panic over this. I've been to see doctors all year and yet I feel I never had a proper test done, though I did have a clear ultrasound (and ultrasound detected the cancer for the woman in the article).
I'm currently waiting for another ultrasound which I'll have in January, and I'm also waiting for the results of a stool test - but I'm panicking, I can't breathe, my behaviour is inexplicable, it's inpossible to be around me. I've had a lot of "scares" that were just down to anxiety, but this feels different and real, and my family is fed up with me and they are sure it will be fine, while I keep crying and reading about death and I can't lie down or hav a shower or go to the toilet without compulsive checking and freaking out over the lump and thining it had got bigger. This is the lowest I have ever felt and I don't have a single positive thought and I'm so sure things won't work out this time. :weep::weep::weep:
And people with HA must be the worst cancer patients ever... so even after diagnosis it will be hell and my famly will hate me for being right :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep: hi im maureenand freeking out ihave health anxiety aches in abdomen worry i have cancer any way just sitting hear few minutes ago and felt my lower abdomen where i get bad tension and felt a hard lump whent of my head started crying to my so n who lives with me saying this time its real im dying and know the hospital will find cancer and canot do anything about it i had to take a diazapan wich i dont like taking ifeel so sorry for my son maybye he will be better of without me hope you reply nead some help

maureen berry
26-11-09, 13:19
need help badly of anyone please dont say go to docs or hospital because i know thats it me finished lots of people die so i am noone special maureen need hugs and prayers

26-11-09, 16:19
Hello Maureen,

It is horrible when you get caught in the grip of health anxiety panic, and it is really difficult to see things rationally. All who have suffered from this condition will be able to relate to how you are feeling now, which can in some ways be comforting, because you know you are not alone with these awful thoughts; at some point we are able to take a step back from it all and recognise these anxiety driven feelings for what they are and help support each other.

The 'lump' you have felt could be any number of things which are perfectly harmless. The trouble is we prod and poke and end up detecting all sorts of odd lumps and bumps, which are more than likely a normal part of our anatomy, but because of the way our minds operate it automatically becomes something sinister. I have been down this route many times myself and I know how awful it makes you feel.

I am sending you a big hug, and do hope you will be able to find some peace of mind soon:bighug1:

26-11-09, 22:18
Hi Maureen,

if it is any consolation (probably not), a year on from that first post and I am still here and still worried about that stupid lump (getting an MRI in December).

You need to get help regardless the lump, help with your anxiety. I really really know how you feel :weep: don't spend a year worrying about this like me, get some help as soon as possible!


26-11-09, 22:39
Nope if that happens.. They feel bad for you just like us. Hope things are ok.. Feel better.. Michael

11-10-12, 07:49
Found this while randomly searching & thought of you:

Crohn disease

Crohn disease may present with sausage shaped mass on the right lower quadrant. The sausage shaped mass appears to be palpable and tender. The patient may present with fever,nausea,vomiting,anorexia, hyperactive bowel sounds and abdominal guarding and tenderness. The patient may also suffer from diarrhea and colicky right lower quadrant abdominal pain.