View Full Version : Do you worry that real symptoms will be put down to HA?

22-12-08, 14:58
This is a real concern of mine as I often feel that my doctor doesn't really examine me properly as she thinks it is part of my anxiety. Sometimes I come out of her office really concerned that she has missed something vital (she hasn't actually ever done this!!).

I also think that everyone around me does the same thing. I have a very supportive husband, Mum and friends but they always say "this is what you always do" and "you always think you are dying around this time of year" and they are right but what if, one time, they are wrong, and symptoms go un-noticed or un-checked!!

My head, neck and eye are till concerning me. My jaw was actually stuck this morning. The tinnitus is louder than ever. The optician and doctor seem unconcerned. I have a chiropractor appointment for tomorrow to see if that helps. Yesterday I had a good day, today is bad!! Help!!

22-12-08, 21:46
I'm absolutely certain that the medical professionals won't miss anything :) remember, they've spent years in medical school (whatever you call it lol).

This time of year? Are you more concered at a certain time of year?

22-12-08, 21:49
I always think that too Jo, x