View Full Version : Cit and Crohn's and drinking

22-12-08, 15:37
Hi All,:)

I was wondering if there is anyone here that takes citalopram and has Crohns or UC?
Ive been having trouble with my Crohns and I was wondering if it is an adverse effect from the meds.

Also, wondering about the drinking thing, it says to not drink rather than the usual avoid drink but Ive heard other info saying it is ok to drink but not too much???

Still in the confusion stage but feel much better than I did before I started taking them.


22-12-08, 16:36

With regard's to the drinking I've been taking Citalapram for 18 Months, and for the first 6 I didn't drink at all and felt great. Then someone said that I could have the odd one so I did, and one lead to another, and now I drink pretty much the same amount as I did before I started the medication. I really would not advise it, if you can possibly get by without a drink you will feel much better.

22-12-08, 18:50
The drinking will effect your stomach issues more than the meds.

22-12-08, 19:01
I have Crohns and was told that it was ok to drink in moderation.

22-12-08, 20:53
There are not concrete studies to show if there is a negative effect with drinking in moderation. But there is growing evidence of the reasons why you should not drink. Some people are fine with it. But for many with Crohns or other inflammatory issues a drink can worsen the symptoms and condition. Also the effect of any prescription medication you are taking to hold down the inflammation can interact with alcohol. There is plenty of research that alcohol can affect the lining of your intestinal track, this could exacerbate the condition. Also with some drinking you get less absorption of essential nutrients, (amino acids, vitimanes, and minerals). So along with having a Crohns which in itself inhabits nutritional uptake which exacerbates mental health issues, alcohol can increase the slippery slope as well. The choice is yours to make. What is moderation to one is more to another. What you are drinking can create different effects as well.

22-12-08, 21:01
Thanx guys for your posts.
Ive not had any real trouble with drink and Crohns, Im not really a drinker, I prob do the once a month thing. It was just a concern over the festive period and various parties etc.
Im more bothered if there is an effect with Citalopram and my bowel. Im in a bit of a state in that department and Im wondering if the meds are doing somat they shudnt. I have ulcers and that site is especially painful.
Im close to admitting myself but also think I may just be able to get thru past xmas day at least.