View Full Version : newborn baby and tears +fear of illness

22-12-08, 16:43
i have a 1 week old baby who is absolutely beautiful, im sooo sad though cant stop feeling emotional, christmas scares me, i have a son who is 6 who has come down with a virus and his temp is 39.7 so quite high and im sooo scared my baby will catch it and i hate healthcare as i feel nobody cares if my child is ill especially at xmas, my daughter will probaby catch it too, i just think the worse like that he will die or something, i feel like xmas will be a disaster, im so emotional, i tried my best to breastfeed and struggled so expressed it and now my milk is drying up so i feel really guilty

Boos Mum
22-12-08, 17:23
I'm home all night if you want help with the bf'ing :bighug1:

22-12-08, 20:23
aww thats really sweet, i have tried latching him on but i've got flat nipples and he pulls away so i thought it would be better to express..i feel such a failure..i think ive got the baby blues, i cant stop crying, i feel so bad that i didnt take my 4 year old dd to her xmas performance as she was really excited to do her singing...i have been stuck in at home for 10 days, i would take baby for a walk but im scared of the cold weather and him getting ill...i just put the snowman dvd on for my dd and cried my eyes out...

22-12-08, 20:56
Hiya. :)

You poor thing, you really sound like your struggling at the moment! I think you may well be right, you may have a bit of the blues but that doesn't mean that you have to just put up with it!
I'm not sure if you have a partner to support you but was also wondering if the midwife is still coming to see you?

23-12-08, 21:53
Oh honey i really feel for you.I thought(dont know if anyone can back me up on this) that when you have your baby they still have your immune system for a while until they are a month or so old. As for the breastfeeding, did you manage it with your other children? It doesnt mean you are a failure but at this moment in time all your hormones are all over the place. I breastfed one and bottlfed the other 2.I do not feel guilty in the slightest.I gave up breastfeeding after 12 days!
I have 2 boys and when i found out i was having a girl , i was elated. When i had her i was really down after coming out of hospital and couldnt believe how i was feeling. Looking back it was di=ue to my hormones!!
hope you are ok !!

Diane O'Brien
24-12-08, 11:13
Hi Kitty

I have read your thread, please please do not feel guilty about the breastfeeding, you sound like a marvellous mum. You have given your baby the best start in life, the first three days is when you have colostrum, that is full of antibodies which is an excellent start in life. Don't feel guilty. Christmas won't be a disaster you have got a newborn baby, its difficult them first few weeks to top that with Christmas stress and two other children as well. Look after yourself, your human and your doing a wonderful job. You are vound to feel emotional and I bet your tired. Please speak to your health visitor or midwife so they can keep an extra eye on you. Please PM me over Christmas if you want, I will be popping on.

Take Care and I wish u and your family the best for 2009.

Diane xxx

Diane O'Brien
24-12-08, 11:14
You are bound not vound LOL

24-12-08, 11:36

I have found with my 14 wk old that he doesn't seem to get the same bugs as his 3yr old brother so try not to worry about that... When my boy had runny bum and a fever the other week my baby was fine apart from a sniffle.

Do try to go for a walk - I help it does clear my mind a little and the fresh cold air will kill off some germs.

Breastfeeding - well I think you are doing damn fine. I stopped with both my boys much earlier than I wanted to and it hurt me so much to think I had 'failed' but I look at my bouncy 3 yr old now and think why did I give myself such a hard time about it.

I think you probably have a touch of the baby blues, Xmas, ill older kid etc ain't making your life that calm at the moment is it? Try to get some rest with just you and baby in your bedroom if you can - and a nice warm bath if possible.

And speak to the midwife/HV or the NCT breastfeeding people who can offer support - check out the NCT site for details in your area.

Lots of love xxxxx

27-12-08, 01:25

I remember my wife was having trouble with our son latching on and beating herself up about it. The health visitor said that it is something all mothers do in that position. Has your health visitor showed you the various positions to try as one might work better than others?

In the case of a virus I can understand your concern too. We have a 5 year old and a 3 year old who are at School and Nursery respectively so both are bringing back the bugs. Out 10 month old son has twice had a very bad illness but not so bad that he didn't get through it- and I believe that was in no small way down to my wife breastfeeding and builing up his immunity. My wife actually uses breast and the bottle so he gets the best of both worlds.

If you are in any doubt then do not hesitate to pester your doctor or even NHS24. Babies are amazingly resiliant but we can't have our mind at rest if we have any doubt. Even if you think it is doing no good keep going back until they listen- they will eventually.

I wish you and your young ones all the best
