View Full Version : I'm losing it...

22-12-08, 19:52
It's Christmas now thank goodness and I have 1 day left of work, but lately I've been losing my grip and falling back into the anxiety trap. It seems everything is against me at the moment. For those who don't know I'm on fluoxetine and have been for around 4 months. Before then my life was unbearable, but since then- and an agreement that I could work from home 1 day per week, life has got so much better. But from the start of December, things have got a lot worse. My boss doesn't trust me working at home anymore even though I've proven that I can, and dismisses my anxiety as me not wanting to come to work. My working from home 1 day a week was a way of relaxing, not waking up at 6am (13 hour day), and still getting work done. My manager saw me taking a quick look at the NMP forum today and embarrased me in front of the entire office and then sent me an extremely rude email. It seems like I do so much for that company , put in a tremendous amount of effort but what's the use? :weep:

This is having a knock on effect on the rest of my life. My parents seem to critisize every small thing I do, which is getting to me. I missed several meets with friends recently thanks to anx, which hasn't happened since before I took fluo. I'm supposed to be meeting family in a few days, but I'm already nervous about that. What's happening to me?

The only things keeping me going at the moment are my best friend, brother, cat and dad. My friend in particular has been so supportive at the moment. And of course this forum is a major support :) but I have to think - is that all I have in my life at the moment?

I haven't felt this stressed or tense in a long time. I really want to leave my job and escape it all, I can't cope much longer. I could just cry. Please help guys, :weep:

22-12-08, 20:15
Hi Graz

I'm a true believer in, if something is making you miserable, then try your best to eliminate it or change it. A bit diffiicult here though as jobs are becoming increasingly hard to come by. If it is an option for you though, then i wouldn't think twice (just my view).

Oh and please don't let people put you down hun because you sound like a lovely person and i'm quite sure you don't deserve it.

Sorry i don't have much advice but just wanted to reply and say i hope things improve for you soon.

Lots a love


22-12-08, 20:26
Thankyou so much :hugs:

22-12-08, 20:51
You keep your chin up sweetheart and remember we are here for ya!


22-12-08, 21:24
you will come out the other side hun and be a better person for it all, it just doesnt feel like it at the moment

22-12-08, 21:40
Hi Graz,

Unfortunately this condition is so easily dismissed by those that have not experienced it. The lack of understanding by those you work alongside and that you care about makes it a heavy burden for you to bear. The lack of sensitivity shows the complete lack of understanding.

Advice mmmm I have little, personally I don't think a job is worth the stress if they do not understand your present difficulties but in the present circumstances???

If you need the employment try not to take it too personally and come and have a moan with us, those that understand how difficult it is for you.

Hugs to you


big richard
22-12-08, 23:06
sorry that you are feeling so bad at the minute,please be strong,you will get through it

as for the job.well i was in a a similar position to you and i told my boss to shove his job...and i feel better for it.he was so unsympathetic about what i was going through it was making me more anxious.i am having a break and going to india in a couple of weeks.when i come back i will get another job and as long as i am happy doing it thats all that matters.:yesyes:

23-12-08, 12:17
Wow, I'm so grateful of these replies, BIG thanks all :flowers:

you will come out the other side hun and be a better person for it all, it just doesnt feel like it at the moment
I really hope so, I'll try to make it one of my new years resolutions! Thanks soo much:hugs:

Hi Graz,

Unfortunately this condition is so easily dismissed by those that have not experienced it. The lack of understanding by those you work alongside and that you care about makes it a heavy burden for you to bear. The lack of sensitivity shows the complete lack of understanding.

Advice mmmm I have little, personally I don't think a job is worth the stress if they do not understand your present difficulties but in the present circumstances???

If you need the employment try not to take it too personally and come and have a moan with us, those that understand how difficult it is for you.

Hugs to you

That's very true, others just don't understand how much support we need. I did initially get some support but that was when I was physically looking ill at my lowest. Now I look 'better' I don't seem to get it anymore! I will look to move on ASAP. The problem is my job is a bit specialised in what I do, but there are others around :)

I could leave as I have some money to spare, but as my dad says it will be more difficult to get another job if I don't already have one. Is this true? I don't mind going on Jobseekers' for a while, if I have to, but I would very much want to get to work. Big thanks, I need a vent sometimes :D :D :hugs:

sorry that you are feeling so bad at the minute,please be strong,you will get through it

as for the job.well i was in a a similar position to you and i told my boss to shove his job...and i feel better for it.he was so unsympathetic about what i was going through it was making me more anxious.i am having a break and going to india in a couple of weeks.when i come back i will get another job and as long as i am happy doing it thats all that matters.
Thanks! How easy will it be to get a new one? I would love to do that, but as I said I'm a bit apprehensive about how easy it would be to get a new job. Wish you luck with your job hunt :yesyes:

I think it was one of those days yesterday where everyone gangs up on you and brings you down, but today looks much nicer, mainly because my manager is off sick! woooohoo :)

23-12-08, 14:07
I could leave as I have some money to spare, but as my dad says it will be more difficult to get another job if I don't already have one. Is this true? I don't mind going on Jobseekers' for a while, if I have to, but I would very much want to get to work. Big thanks, I need a vent sometimes :D :D :hugs:

I'd think very carefully about leaving your job without having another lined up. Any prospective employer is going to want to know what you're doing at the moment, and why you left your old job. Telling them it was unbearable is unlikely to go down too well. You know it's true, but they might wrongly assume you're lazy or can't take pressure.

If you have highly marketable skills it might matter less, but for most of us it wouldn't be a good move I don't think.