View Full Version : Ear congestion after sinus infection?

22-12-08, 20:33
I had a cold and then sinusitis, I was on 500mg amoxicillin for 7 days (3 a day) and I was so much better within 48 hours. I was feeling almost 100% over the weekend (I have also had a flu virus off my children so had alot of illness to deal with) but then the last 2 days I have noticed the side where I had the sinus infection (left) I now have a clicking noise behind the ear when I run down the stairs, jump or even go over bumps in the car;)and the left ear today has had a feeling of a balloon inflating then deflating. I have had this on and off all day today, so strange.

I had a really bad time with my ears just before the infection hit, when I just had the cold I was having lots of pressure in the ears but it was really bad where I couldn't hear properly, like I was under water and the pressure felt horrible especially when driving. I am not getting anything like that now just this horrible clicking and balloon feeling occasionally.

I am now panicking that the sinus infection has not cleared up, despite me feeling well other than this pressure feeling. I can now breath freely, my nostrils are clear, no green or blood now from the nose, no fever.... A friend of mine said its normal to still have pressure for a while after a nasty infection but I am worrying a bit (yes thats me) because I just want this to go.

I am steaming again and using my steroid spray.

Can anyone tell me if this is normal?

22-12-08, 20:43
Yes it is hun very normal i get it daily!

22-12-08, 20:52
Its awful, have you ever had the clicking?

Thanks hun.

Boos Mum
22-12-08, 21:11
it takes my son weeks to get over something like that, hope it is better soon

22-12-08, 21:13
hi there

iv had that too hun - just takes a while the infection will of cleared up but theres still prob mucus etc hiding away and iv even had it were i felt underwater type feelings


22-12-08, 21:22
So the clicking and pressure is normal?

Thanks so much.

22-12-08, 21:33
yes very normal hun


22-12-08, 21:38
Oh good, I was worrying myself silly that the infection hadn't cleared up:-(

22-12-08, 21:43
the anti biotics will of done the trick, my sinusis are terrible have viral sinusitis at least once every few months but anti biotics done work for that so i end up on sudafed and paramol pain killers.
have u ever heard of friars balsm? u can get it in chemists - its an old fashioned remedy that you put in hot water and enhale - it works wonders for the sinusis and ears


22-12-08, 22:14

Yes I am using menthol crystals in hot water but I don't rate them really.

I have mild chronic sinusitis all of the time but this bad cold ended up as a bacterial infection, gp wasnt sure if it was sinusitis or nostril infection or both. My jaw was stiff on the left, couldn't open it without pain, pain up left nostril and completly blocked with green and blood from left nostril. I felt so ill.

22-12-08, 22:29
Oh forgot to say I am also getting tinitus alot in the left ear aswell:-(

22-12-08, 23:34
Hi Libby - whenever I've had ear infections I get the clicky thing - drives me mad - especially swollowing, yawning etc but sometimes it just clicks away all by itself. And sometimes I get it when I've got a cold or when I had sinusitis this year. I think once you've had a sinus or ear infection then you are prone to getting these symptoms. If you get any pain I'd go back to the doctor but otherwise just steam and patience and it should eventually go away. :flowers:

23-12-08, 10:25
HI Leebee,

So you don't think it means ive an ear infection or anything? I have no pain in the ear its just this pressure and tinitus now and again and today I have an occasional pain at the crown of my head again on the left side, it comes and goes aswell. This is driving me mad!! I thought I was better then the last 2 days all the pressure is back:-(

25-12-08, 15:40
I am stil getting the balloon feeling, has anyone else had this for a while after a cold? just feels like my ear is inflating then delfating every so often?

Boos Mum
25-12-08, 16:21
maybe try your gp? my friend had to get tubes at 33, just wouldnt heal without them

you can have pressure, like when your in an airplane, my kid needed tubes for that.

I see no reason why you can't have them checked :)