View Full Version : acid

22-12-08, 23:47
has anyone that has had indgestion problems and acid had a tight chest with this ?
i have a burning just under my ribs and tight chest but not constantly

23-12-08, 00:14
Yes! I have that thing right now.

But i also have a very evil stomach ache lol that feels like acid burning away at my insides! Lol.

It sounds perfectly normal to me, like heartburn, something you need Gaviscon for :P

23-12-08, 00:16
yeah i get that burning feeling 2 thanks for the reply

23-12-08, 00:20
I know how u feel

i get it ALL the time, only i found out what was causing mine was actually a hiatus hernia.

if ur really worried see ur gp n they may put u on a tablet foe acid reflux.

i am currently takin tablets for acid reflux and yes i still get heartburn etc but its not as chronic and bad as it used to be.

hope this helps

23-12-08, 00:32
yeah thanks stargate i will see the doc i just got really worried cos i couldnt see how indgestion and acid could make your chest tight

23-12-08, 01:16

ive got a sliding hiatus hernia which im told can cause that so thats what u may have.

it took 6 months for me to find it out as they thought it was my gallbladder to begin with.

but best to get it checked as it may be something to do with acid reflux disease (dnt wory its controllable)

let us all know how u get on with everything

p.s. indegestion n heartburn can make u think ur having a heart attack, if u need help just say the word n a can ask my mum as she is a registered nurse :).


23-12-08, 08:33
i get it my worst is when i am really stressed got rushed to hospital 4 weeks ago and they thought it was the hernia but it wasnt so i was the lucky one but i do get the pains in the chest as well they said it is differnet pains from the panic and anxiety and they ran all sorts of tests and couldnt find anything wrong with me i get it just below rib cage on top part of tummy and if i eat then bend down i get it as well and drinking fizzy like coke hope this helps from tracy

23-12-08, 19:24
hi guys,

i asked my mum about this (shes a nurse lol), and she says it can really be either, acid reflux, hernia or gallbladder trouble. either way she said to get checked out :)
