View Full Version : How do we know when to get help with the symptoms?????

23-12-08, 00:17
So we have all these symptoms but when do we know that we need medical help for them? I have symptoms pretty much all the time, i think i've had all the anxiety symptoms out there plus other ones that i've made up in my head but should we spend all our time in the dr office getting them checked out? I know i can't afford that plus i think the dr's would get tired of seeing me anyhow and just give me plecebo's to get rid of me, at least that's what they did when i was younger. I know alot here go to the dr alot but for those that don't,,,what do you do? How do you know when its something that needs attention or if its just your mind making it up? This is driving me crazy trying to decide when to spend the $140 to go to GP to get checked. I can't spend that every week but i "think" i need help every week. UGH!!!!!!! What a vicious cycle!!!:mad: :weep:

23-12-08, 12:49
firstly relax, take deep breaths, symptoms can be caused by all manner of problems, but anxiety makes us feel like their going to kill us when in fact they may be something harmless, the other day, all day i had pain in my leg, and convinced myself i had a dvt, then i relaised i had a mosquito bite on my leg.
the best thing to do is check your symptoms against the symptoms list on the left of this website, to see if they are anxiety related, for instance if you are suffering from chest pain, does this ease when relaxed, or when you lay down. if symptom persists when geninuly relaxed, or at rest, and is worrying then perhaps it is best to seek advice. is thier anyone who you can talk to for free about your symptoms then perhaps this may be the first step to take, i don't know much about america but in the uk, we can seek some information from local chemists etc, but if this inst possible perhaps confniding in a friend or family member may be helpfull. or even just posting your symtpoms on here for others to help you.

i find the4 best test, is whether the sysmptoms periist when i engage in something distracting, such as playin a game or doing a puzzle. i hope this helps, keep the faith. you will beat this.