View Full Version : I feel exhausted.

23-12-08, 04:20
Sorry to moan on in this thread but I just feel a bit weepy.
I now it's my own fault for trying to be wonder woman at this time of year and get everything ship shape for christmas but I am also worried about my health.
I have just settled into my new job working for Tesco and I am also on the go all the time with family matters(like a lot of us on here) but recently everything seems such a struggle and my whole body aches inside.
I have done all the shopping,wrapping,card sending,delivering,food shopping,looking after the little one(my daughter who is 5)and of course working my week at tesco.I had to pull some heavy stock trolleys last Friday and ever since I have felt achy,and in pain but I feel I cannot say anything as other staff do it without thinking yet I feeel terrible after.
My husband is lovely and helps me all he can but I still feel exhausted and I cannot switch off even on a night so I am not getting my rest either(hence this post at 4.00 in the morning)I am in work at 9.00 as well so heres another day where I feel bad.
When I think of christmas it's great but I feel that I have to have everything just so which is piling pressure on me as an individual.I am trying to get all the washing done,the house sparking,all the food bought and stored and of course everything wrapped and ready to go but I am running out of time.I am going to get my hair done on xmas eve but I feel stressed as I could be using the time I am sat in the chair to do something else,I am going to family tonight for a pre-xmas do and work colleagues have asked me out for a drink on boxing day night but I feel too tired to go.,and I still need to fit my daughter in somewhere to have her hair cut.Does anybody else feel as there isn't enough hours inthe day recently?I don't normaly feel like that but my anxiety has been terrible these last few days and I am also getting a bit paranoid over this winter bug thing.I tend to disinfect everything and this is making me feel tired as well.Sorry to bore folk with my feelings of woe but isn't christmas supposed to be stress free and relaxing!!!!!(lol).:hugs:

23-12-08, 04:46

This is actually a perfect example of how stress affects us.

I feel that I have to have everything just so which is piling pressure on me as an individual.......I feel stressed as I could be using the time I am sat in the chair to do something else,

I cannot switch off even on a night so I am not getting my rest

I am also worried about my health.

my anxiety has been terrible these last few days and I am also getting a bit paranoid over this winter bug thing.I tend to disinfect everything

isn't christmas supposed to be stress free and relaxing!!!!!(lol).

Taking each point I've listed above....

You have alot on our plate and you're trying to keep on top of everything. However, I think you maybe like me, a perfectionist as you feel the need for everything to be "just so". This though adds even more pressure which on top of everything else is stopping you from "switching off" because your mind is filled with the things you feel "must" get done.

This stress then triggers your health anxiety which then makes you even more intense over "catching bugs" or thinking about your own health.

Yes, Christmas IS supposed to be relaxing but what they don't tell you is that the relaxing time begins AFTER Christmas. lol

Ok...we all find this period stressful and so we need to focus on managing that stress by remembering "priorities". What really IS important, and what Isn't and can be left, also remembering what WE want and Not what others might think of us. We also need to remember that it really doesn't matter if things aren't "perfect" because no one will notice other than ourselves.

If we try to take on Too much, we'll make ourselves ill so you have to remember that it's OK to take time outs to re-charge the batteries.

Something I find that helps me is to make a list. Every time I think of something that "must" be done, I write it down and forget about it until I look at my list again. Things that aren't important I tell myself it doesn't matter if I don't go or that they needn't be done.

Don't add pressure on yourself to the pressure that already exists at this time of year because what matters most is your well being and if you try to take on too much, you'll make yourself too ill to cope with the things that ARE important.

Once Christmas is over, the pressure will ease and you'll be fine. Look after You first during this period.:hugs:

23-12-08, 07:22
Hi Mothermac

I feel exactly the same. My hubby has been up at half five every day (retail manager) I work too but leave house at 8. I am having parents round for christmas day and just feel like there is sooo much to do and no time to do it in. I'm at work till 3 on christmas eve and have to go to the parents in law who live an hour away. Then hubby announced he won't be in till after 7 pm as they are setting up the sale stuff:scared15:

Women have sooo much to do all the shopping, cleaning the house cooking the meal then you are meant to just breeze in to the dinning room on the big day looking gorgeous with hair nails and make up done....not looking like you have been ten rounds with the largest turkey in history in heat resembling a swedish sauna!!!!

I really know how you are feeling. I just keep trying to tell myself that what isn't done by 5 christmas eve isn't gonna get done cos I'm chilling out in a nice bath and getting ready for trip to the in laws. It's one day and lets face it does anyone really notice if you've re grouted the bathroom tiles lol. Just give them a glass of wine:wacko:

23-12-08, 10:51
Aww mothermac I know how your feeling theres so much to think about. Can i send you a hug :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: and hope you have a
fabulous christmas
Take care

23-12-08, 11:47
I've sorted Christmas this year - I am not doing christmas except to buy the grandchildren a present.

I normally spend it with my daughter and my ex husband and have hated this set up for years so I just said to them that I won't be coming and I am not buying any presents.

It's been utter peace - no running around trying to get the right present for every one - no christmas food shopping in an overcrowed supermarket - no trying to buy presents in the arndale with the rest of Luton - no pileing on the weight.

I have got out 'Lost' series 4 and shall enjoy watching it on Chrismas day with my dogs.

Stress free:yahoo:
