View Full Version : I'm Scared to Start taking my Medication

23-12-08, 07:17
Hi, I am new to this so please bare with me... I have been prescribed citalopram,20mg for depression and after reading this forum I'm scared of the side effects. keep telling myself to get over Xmas first and start taking them after the New year but I think I'm just delaying because I don't want to feel so ill as these pills seem to make you. I also have to hold down a stressfull job and I'm worried about how I'm going to cope.... I'd love a day where I don't have SOMETHING to worry about. It's so good to hear I'm not on my own so I'll keep reading and would love to chat to people in the same boat. Happy Christmas x

23-12-08, 10:38
Hi Angelclif
I understand totally your not alone...i was prescribed citalopram 10mg last week and am wary of side effects too. I know i need to try them in the hope theyll make me feel better than i am at the moment....but theres still that irrational side of me thats scared to take them...stupid isnt it.
But i have spoken to people who havent had any side effects on them at all either and feel much better for taking them...so its swings and roundabouts really.
Feel free anytime to pm me if you need to talk hun.
Merry Christmas
Take care

23-12-08, 12:42
Hi, Thanks for your reply, I'm so worried at the moment because I've been behaving irrationally for months now and don't really want it getting any worse. My manager at work has put me on sickness monitoring and I have a meeting with HR and her next Monday, I just really don't need this at this time,I'm so stressed out and this is making everything so much worse..what do I do? I feel like my world is crashing down around me and I can't stop it... I guess the only way is up??? :weep:

Granny Primark
23-12-08, 12:45
There was no one more apprehensive than me about taking anti depressants.
I was prescribed them a month ago and have been fine with them.
Ive got go back to see the doc this afternoon cus he wants to know how ive been getting on with them.
I know ive been far calmer since ive been taking them and that my friends and family have noticed the difference in me.
Im not a bundle of fun but im just more chilled .
Im taking 20 mg.
When you hit rock bottom like I did 5 weeks ago your prepared to try anything to see if it will help.
Best of luck.

23-12-08, 15:44

You are absolutley right the only way is up, if I where you I would take your medication now it will help to get you through a very stressfull period. Ive been taking them for 18 months now and cannot imagine life without them (which is a whole other issue). From someone who has been were you are the best advice is take one day at a time, if you have a good day you have a good day, and if you have a bad day accept it for what it is and know that you will have another good day very soon. You will know your on the mend when you have more good days than bad. Don't stress about the meeting just know that the medication will help and things will turn around.

Hope you find the corage to start taking them.


25-12-08, 19:55
hi. i have recently joined this site, and would just like to let you know i started taking citilapram 10mg 7 days ago, for anxiety/panic attacks.i was actually prescribed 20mg but after speaking to people i was also scared of the side effects, hence why i have started on 10mg. the truth is the first 5 days i felt a little strange(not ill) just strange! yet i still managed to do daily tasks.today christmas day i took my tablet at tea time after food instead of morning and i have felt perfectly fine all day, so i think this time may be more suited to me. i honestly had a panic attack on the day i was prescribed these meds and i know it was the fact that i was taking something new (im a student nurse but unfortunatly do not practice what i preach with regards to taking medications for illness!). i feel better in myself for actually being brave enough to take something that might help, so like me be brave and try to think of the end result!

take care and keep smiling:D

jo xx

26-12-08, 01:48
I had started Citropram and taken it for one day, but the "cloudy", "Heady" Feeling was something I didn't like and it felt like it caused more palpitations, which I sort of realize now is my fear of the medications because I read up on any medication I get now.

But grats on starting it, even if it is a low dose. If it makes you feel any better, I've given myself a deadline and a must of when to start my new meds, Tomorrow night, Zoloft...and I'm still scared BUT, after talking to my doctor and a friend I have who is a nurse, they've assured me it will be fine. And I am trying NOT to read anymore side effects or anything from now on...so I don't freak out as much.

I don't know if you've been prescribed Xanax as a temporary relief for bad panic attacks, but it does help, although, I've noticed it gets bad for like the first hour, hour and a half, but anything that helps is worth it in the end, even if I do know most of these medications MIGHT increase anxiety for a short period of time, don't know your story, but going through this every day for going on seven months has made me realize something has to be done. But I wish you luck and make sure you keep up on it, and talk to your doctor about when you should increase your dosage.

My dilemma is what time to take it, but I'm thinking an hour or so before bedtime, as I've heard it has certain ...sedative like effects as well.

26-12-08, 14:14
hi again, although i do not suffer regular palpatations these meds did giv me some.it was manageable though and only lasted for an hour or so after taking them, but that was when i was taking them am.yesterday after taking it at t time with food i did not notice any palpataions.i did not read the leaflet which came with them threw it straight in the bin!. i have also ditched my bnf nursing book, as i read this then experience EVERY side effect it lists(i think this is because being anxious makes me look for them).i have also been going through this for a long time, but have decided if i want to pursue my nursing career i need to help myself put a stop to it all!!!

14-04-09, 18:53
Heya, new here as of today.I wanted someone's advice about the right time to start taking citalopram. I first got them from my doctor about 1 month ago, took them for 4 days then stopped. I was only on 10mg! I cudnt stand the anxiety and constantly thinking something was wrong such as thinking that I wasnt breathing properly, or that my headaches were actually a tumour or something. Although I did notice a great difference in my mood, at the same time I was happier, as happy as I used to be years ago. Anyway, Im off them at the moment but Im putting it off because I hate the side effects, but I know I have to take them soon because my depression is getting progressively worse. I know Im being stupid, I guess I need a third opinion from someone who has felt the same as I do now...

15-04-09, 10:15
Hi there,
Im new to this site and just been prescribed this medication and i have to admit it worries the hell out of me reading the leaflet with the tablets. I took the first one yesterday and felt quite queazy and dont know if its just my imagination after reading all this...lol.

15-04-09, 12:00
Hi all, I did suffer side effects from citalopram at first and I thought it was making things worse, but by the end of the third week I had started to feel like my old self again and most of the side effects disappeared.

Citalopram has really made a difference for me. There were times I wanted to give up. I persevered. I'm very glad I did.

I advise you to try it. The sooner you start taking it, the sooner it can get to work.