View Full Version : Please I need your kind words and support again - glands

23-12-08, 10:43

I have had swollen neck glands on and off for the past month or so (prior to this I had one swollen neck gland that was ultrasound tested and my doc wasn't worried).

I have been tested for glandular fever which came back negative. I have also been a little more tired than usual. I have had tonsilitis twice and an inflammed throat as well.

I have also had a choking feeling around my lower neck on and off. My GP thought my thyroid was enlarged so I had an ultrasound on this too but it came back ok.

I had a full blood count last week and all was ok with that. Neither of the two GP's I have seen seem overly concerned.

But me - well of course I am dying, have Thyroid cancer (which my Mum had a few years back) or some other disease that is going to leave me on my death bed.

I just can't understand why if my tests have all come back ok my glands are still up and down and my thyroid. Just today I had that feeling that I was choking or like someone had their hands around my neck for a few hours.

I want it all to go away and I want to be able to enjoy my Christmas with my family and my two small kids. But all I can think of is dying, the GP's missing something and now they are closed until early January and I think that these wasted days will bring me closer to my death :lac:

Thanks for reading - and I am sorry:weep:

23-12-08, 14:02
hi honey... sorry to hear you are feeling so bad right now. it sounds like you have taken all the necessary steps to make sure you are healthy, so right now you need to try to relax. (i know, easier said than done.) honestly, if your doctors were concerned, especially considering your mother's history, they would not just run some tests and leave it at that. the ultrasounds and blood tests have come back fine. my feeling is you ARE fine. if you aren't confident in your doctors, however, maybe get a second (or third) opinion. that's what they are there for... a few weeks back i share my story with someone worried about their glands and it seemed to help them.... here's the condenced version: almost two years ago i discovered two enlarged lymph nodes in my groin. to my knowledge, they had never been there before. after much freaking out, i went to the doctor who, although not overly concerned, did some blood work. everything came back normal and i was told not to worry. i, of course, did worry and was convinced the tests had missed something. the obsessive thoughts and checking continued for a few months. it's been two years now and guess what? the lymph nodes are still there. they are the same size and for all i know, they've been there my entire life. bottom line, i'm not sick. if the lymph nodes were an indication of something wrong, they would have changed in some way and by now i'd have more symptoms. i don't. i'm completely fine.

i'm sure the choking sensation is just that.... a sensation. you are really not choking, your just freaking out. our bodies can do strange things when we're in the midst of an anxiety attack! another quick story: i was once convinced my heart was not beating correctly. in reality i was having eptopic beats caused by stress. when i would have these eptopics i would check my pulse and swore to the doctor that my heart was stopping. my doctor told me if i could move enough to get my pulse, my heart had certainly not stopped. valid point. and you are not choking. i'm sure if you calm down and try to think logically, you will notice that you are breathing and swallowing just fine.

so please, please try to relax. go get a massage or a facial or a pedicure. or just go home and relax in a warm bath with a good book. try to get involved with something to take your mind off you HA. try to enjoy the holiday season. :yesyes:

Boos Mum
23-12-08, 15:05
I had a sore neck and stranggling feeling in Aug, GP swore my thyroid was huge so went to the ent, I got a endoscope + ultrasound, everything was fine, I had been coughing, they said it was a spasm went away a few months later

23-12-08, 15:58
Samantha please stop worrying....I could have written your post myself-35 years ago!!!!!!Look I'm still here but obsessing about something completely different and wondering if i'll ever learn to be as logical about myself as I am about other people. Have a lovely Christmas.