View Full Version : someone please help me, lymph nodes

23-12-08, 14:47
Hello everyone,

I am new here – and I have been plagued with lymphoma fears for almost 10 years now.

It all started when I found my first enlarged gland in my neck under my jaw – I was about 17
From then I got an ultrasound, ENT appointment, oncologist appointment and so far the outcome as been don’t be concerned this is nothing….

During this time I had some pea size nodes I could feel on the opposite side of y neck mid way down which I never really worried about oddly enough…they were always soo small….and the oncologist felt them and didn’t seem concerned at all.

So now fast forward about 8 years later to now….
I don’t know it its just me but I feel like the pea size nodes on my neck have gotten larger…L
They are moveable sorta firm sorta squishy and im terrified about them! Just terrified.

I had a physical last week and got my doctor to feel them and she said it was nothing again – and im here on the internet reading about sooo many doctors that say that and then finally something is found…

Someone please help me – should I go to a clinic at lunch today to get another opinion…

I don’t sleep, I cry and this is created a horrible mess between my new fiancé and I L

23-12-08, 14:56
I should get as many opinions as you can to set your mind at rest,that's what they are there for to reassure you,try as many ways as you can find and i hope you are feeling much better soon.

23-12-08, 16:02
I have the exact same thing :).
I have 1 under my jaw and ear, on both sides of my neck.
They are there to fight infection, mine enlarge when i'm ill or stressed.
You're stressing over them which is making them get bigger! Stop it.
Mine have been there for years, some people have enlarged glands (which is what mine are) some have small ones that you can barely feel, ever.
It's just your glands, i used to be so worried about them too. But i had a blood test, and get them felt by my doctor every 3/4 months. Mine are totally fine.

And if they've been there that long, you would of DEFINATLY have noticed other signs of Lymphoma by now, and they'd be bigger than your eye balls by now ;)

23-12-08, 16:14
my little boy has pea sized nodes in his neck he has had them since he was a baby, he is now 11. he was checked out with blood tests etc and he is fine. my partner has them in his neck too.please try not too worry

23-12-08, 16:16
thanks guys for your support - this HA is really hard to fight sometimes - im going to go to my clinic at lunch time i think i need a bit of reassurance from a doctor

23-12-08, 16:17
the thing that scares me the most is they have not been there for my whole life :(

23-12-08, 16:20
Neither have mine, they just appear about 2 years ago lol.

(When i started getting HA, link there?)

Reassurance from a doctor is the best thing you can get.

23-12-08, 16:22
where are your's located and how large?

Sometimes when im feeling there i find like 4 in the same area - and automatically i think oh god its a cluster of "C" nodes :(

23-12-08, 16:32
where are your's located and how large?

Sometimes when im feeling there i find like 4 in the same area - and automatically i think oh god its a cluster of "C" nodes :(

He are some drawings of your lymph nodes, please don't worry about them.


23-12-08, 16:34
thats very interesting i didnt know we had so many....i can only feel ones enlarged on one side though

23-12-08, 16:37
if you had a blood test and thats ok then your fine
doctor do know best if thay say its nothing then its not, dont worry wish you better

23-12-08, 16:42
thanks London,

I will update you guys on what the clinic doctor says this afternoon

23-12-08, 17:10
stop worrying your get gray hair and lines under your eyes

23-12-08, 18:11
well....i went and the clinic was soo packed she said come back later becuase i would not be able to see him before i had to be back at work...

That was my only oppertunity before the holidays....now im going to be with family and loved ones thinking im dying...what a waste i hate this

23-12-08, 18:36
thats very interesting i didnt know we had so many....i can only feel ones enlarged on one side though

They are probably just nearer the surface that's all.

23-12-08, 19:52
this is really scaring me :( and ruining my holidays

28-12-08, 17:01
i really need someone today - im super depressed :(

I dont believe my doctor who looked at my neck and just said its nothing its a cycst or something - wtf is "or something" - im going to try again to go to the clinic tomorrow and all im thinking about today is i have cancer and nobody is paying attention :(

30-12-08, 03:10
Hi Pennie - I have a permanently enlarged parotid node on the right side of my neck. It's about 5 times the size of the left one. But it's been that way for years - since I had an ear infection, I think. I had blood tests etc a few months ago which don't show any abnormalities - which would be there if I had a cancer that was affecting one or more lymph nodes.

Your doctor's job is to detect illnesses - why would they ignore signs of cancer? They wouldn't. They haven't detected any signs of cancer because they are not there. Have a look at some older posts on the site related to lymph nodes - you'll see how common benign enlarged nodes are, and how common it is for people to worry about them. By all means go back to your doctor for further reassurance when you can, but please try to believe that if you had cancer, the doctor would have picked it up on previous visits.

30-12-08, 10:27
is it normal to feel little lumps under the skinn on your neck and surrounding area?

06-02-09, 16:50
Hi Penniepie
How are you? Did you finally get the answers you were looking for?