View Full Version : Massive Anxiety This Morning :-(

29-06-05, 08:42
Hello all

Some general reassurance please if anybody is able.

Yesterday afternoon about 4pm I had a massive throat lump feeling come over me then had lots of tiny quiet bubble escaping sounds, probably trapped air in my throat. I let them scare me and panic went of the scale, called my hubby who talked me down and it did not develop into a full panic attack.

Slept really well 11.30pm till 7am but have awoken full and I mean full of anxiety, pulse is over 100, tummy is churny and I feel like I am about to blow - don't even want to do the school run - and I am so over throat!!!

Can the Losec be doing this to me, or do you think it is my body adjusting to no alcohol in its system (been 6 days now). I have to take another Losec at 11am and I am tempted not to take it - but I need my tummy to get better.

Advice would be really gratefully receieved - don't know how to switch this damn pulse rate back to normal?

Thanks in advance.


29-06-05, 08:55
Personally I would say it was the alcohol. I gave it up for 3 weeks and felt a bit rubbish at first. I guess it is a kind of withdrawal when you get used to it every day.

Losec is generally tolerable so stick with it ok cos it will really help.

Hope you feel better soon!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

29-06-05, 09:06
Hi Nicola

Thank you for that.

Just got back from the school run with JFDI still ringing in my ears[}:)]

Going to have another mug of camomile tea and watch my breathing for an hour to make sure I stop shallow breathing. Pulse is done to 90 for facing the school run and a bit of a walk so may even get on the exercise bike for ten mins too.

Thanks for your support, I think even just taking one drug (I just don't do tablets) is adding to my anxiety, can't wait to start CBT!!!!

Take care for now.


29-06-05, 09:24
Another question...

Going to start taking a good multi vitimin, going to try Multibionta Probiotic Multivitimin, does anybody else take this one?

Think poor nerves and body could do with a little help so going to buy some this morning.


29-06-05, 09:55
Hi Angie

sorry yr not to good stick with the tablets, inever liked taking them either but at the end of the day if they help you though this them try not to worry about it for now,

I take vitamin B6 complex, it was recomended on here, and i take evening promrose oils and omega fish oils, LOL yes i do rattle in the morning,

I always found if i was like that, my exersize machine always helped burn off that extra adrenalin, I do yoga now which has helped me with my relaxation and breathing

hope you feel a bit calmer now
take care

kairen x

29-06-05, 10:04
Hi angie,

Sorry you're going through a bad time. I'm taking a multibionta and omega3 fish oil per day and not feeling too bad on it. I had a bad bout on Monday as well so you're not alone! My uncle has come to stay with us for 3 weeks from Australia, my aunt, sister and b/f came over and they were all in high spirits. I started to feel that my safe zone had been invaded, started to feel really anxious, throat tightened up until I couldn't speak and I started to feel really resentful that everyone was having a good ol' chinwag and I just wanted them all to go. They all went for a meal at the pub that I live next door to and were all cheering me to come along. I was getting so angry and felt such a stick in the mud. They all went and I had a blub to get over how I was feeling, my heart rate was at about 120bpm, I was so strangled by my throat I just wanted to heave and throw up, I just felt ILL. I feel a lot better now though and I'm pretty sure you'll start to settle soon if not already!

Keep on pluggin angie!

Mark x

29-06-05, 10:15
Thanks all, sorry to hear of your crap day too Mark, what are we like.

I am feeling a lot calmer - can't even say why...arghh, maybe it is just coming down off the booze.

Pulse is back between 80 & 90 now so have stopped taking it.

Dare say it will be back up there this afternoon after I have taken mu Losec!!!! I can't believe I ever had two children some days, how on earth did I turn into this beedin mess!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys for all your support, what a network of friends [^]

Sue K with 5
29-06-05, 10:30

I know exactly what you mean about the tablets, I am went out yesterday with a friend and I was very lucky that I was talked through my panic episode with someone who has been taught the deep breathing exercises so when mine started I just breathed through it with her help.

Keep taking the lozac, your are probably anxious because you are thinking about the medication

CBT is a great idea for you I have just started and although its early days I have every confidence in my councellor

Good luck

Sue with 5 children


29-06-05, 14:53
**Dare say it will be back up there this afternoon after I have taken mu Losec!!!! **

Angie - if it is then its your response and not the Losec as its not a known side effect. Try and visualize the Losec as a healer that is working in your tummy to heal you.

I think this morning may have been about your innards having mulled over yesterdays anxiety during sleep and still having adrenalin in your system on waking and no booze to mask it - which is fab

BTW - congrats on not allowing it to escalate yesterday - thats was good to demonstrate that you are in control ...

I recommend a full Vit B complex - not just the B6.

This made me smile - amazing what difference a few hours makes ..

**I think even just taking one drug (I just don't do tablets) is adding to my anxiety**

**Going to start taking a good multi vitimin**

Maybe adding in another tablet will somehow make it easier ..lol. Maybe its cos one is your choice and the prescribed medication but also therapeutic and doing you good.

Glad its subsided now.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-06-05, 16:36
Didn't think of it like that Meg...LOL!!!!

Yes indeed it subsided very quickly after I got back from school and yes I did take the Losec and yes I did worry about taking it and yes I do still have a dull pain in my high tummy and between my shoulder blades[V]

Should I still be sore? I know I am only on day three of 28 - don't know what I was expecting really, take one pill and hey presto no more pain or discomfort?

I guess in reality before I have even given these a chance I am already worrying about the second stage if I still have pain, could it be something more serious...blada blada blada - god I am so bored of just hearing myself...I seem totally convinced that I am on the road outa here...why why why do I feel like my number is up?[Sigh...]

I never use to be like this, I have had two operations (both went well), have had extensive dental treatments (went well), had two babies for goodness sake and I never ever felt like this. Now out of no-where I am scared of my own shadow, dying, the doctors, the dentist, riding my horse, being driven by another, public transport of any description, oh yes and flying??????

Anyhow, am not dead - so better go and make the kids some tea...bye for now...Angie

29-06-05, 17:03
It is a very good drug with virtually no side effects but it will not cure all overnight .

It drastically reduces the acid production allowing your own body to do the healing bit. You can help by eating little and often so not asking too much of tum at one time.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-06-05, 17:25
Thanks Meg - I know you are right, I guess deep down as long as I have pain or discomfort I still get scared that I will have another bleed.

It is funny though, I am still full of wind, I think I probably swallow it when anxious, then my tummy, chest and pack still feel tender.

I am eating little and often and healthily.

The most annoying thing is I had no tummy or back pain for a week before my bleed and now that I have started on the Losec have had it every day...ho hum, will just give it time.

Thanks everyone again.