View Full Version : Worried about my sister

23-12-08, 18:28
I am so worried about my sister. She just found out that she has an extremely high blood calcium level and blood in her urine. The rest of her bloodwork was normal (white blood cells, etc.). The doctor hasn't given her any information other than he wants her to see a urologist. Her appointment isn't until the end of this month.

I have no idea what could be wrong and I know that it's not my job to diagnose it, but I'm trying to fight the urge to Google!!!:lac: I hate waiting for answers!!!!

23-12-08, 22:40
The two need not be connected. The blood in her urine needs looking into further to exclude anything serious as I expect you know:unsure:

I have leaky kidneys which mean I leak minute amounts of everything they look for in every kidney problem there is! but its normal for me I have big filters on my kidneys but I had to go through all the tests the first time it was picked up many years ago. I still cannot get through routine checks or casualty depts without great explanations.

One cause of high calcium levels can be a parathyroid problem but I am sure her Dr will have already tested her for this in her other blood work.

Is she being seen at end of December?? In which case thats soon considering xmas is in between or is it end of january - if its end of january I would harass GP for an urgent referral - you can be seen in 2 weeks - just to put her mind at rest.

Let us know please

24-12-08, 15:04
Please be assured it is HIGHLY unlikely that high calcium levels are because of cancer....... (if like me im sure thats what your thinking) 98% of high calc levels are Parathyroid problems and thus easily treatable and managable!!!

Please try not to worry xx