View Full Version : overwhelming fear of stroke

23-12-08, 21:13
i posted before about a weird headache i had and i had to go in hospital well since they let me out i have had a overwhelming fear that im goin to have a stroke in hospital they did notice i am weak on my left side i did have a ct scan and a lumber puncture but the results were normal i dont know if the weakness is actually anxiety i went to my doctor earlier and he reasured me that im not going to have a stroke i also told him how down i am feeling about having anxiety and not knowing if its a proper medical problem or anxiety i have even felt sick but i dont know if thats from worry this weakness i feel on my left side is really scaring me my anxiety level is sky high i know i should believe my doctor when he reasured me about the stroke thing but i am still panicking over it i just hate having anxiety does anyone else suffer weakness on one side with anxiety or is it that im going to have a stroke please reply back and also i have throat and chest tightness which is also freaking me out :(

23-12-08, 21:43
I have been worried about having a stroke as my blood pressure is raised.my dr told me that your blood pressure has to be through the roof to suffer from a stroke.If you have had tests done recently i would go with what they say that you are ok. I suffer from anixiety and i get tight chested and headaches.all due to stress and anixiety.Its easy for everyone else to say its ok but when its yourself you just cant help but get in a state.

23-12-08, 23:56

Anxiety can affect people in all sorts of ways and it is common for them to mention weak or tension feelings etc down left side. What you are describing is classic anxiety feelings and if you have been checked out by your doctor then you will be fine. Please try to distract yourself from focusing on the feelings it will help in the long run

24-12-08, 00:37
thank you for the replies i still have to go back for a mri scan after the new year so i suppose i wont settle until i have had that done but i will try and relax a little

27-12-08, 13:46
well all last night i kept getting woken up with pains in the right side of my head and im still getting them now i have took a diazepam to try and help calm me down but it has not worked i really do think im going to have a stroke i have got so much fear with this i tried ringing my doctor but they are not open and also i have pain in my right eye and ringing in my ear i just dont know what to do i really do think this is a sign im going to have a stroke my uncle had a stroke years ago and he said his started with headache i just cant seem to shift this headache its a headache i have never felt before but it also feels like someone is gripping my neck and head i have also had a bad christmas with the worry over this i just dont know what to do anymore

27-12-08, 14:47

Why don't you give NHS Direct (or NHS 24 depending on where you live ) a call and explain how you feel. I am sure it is just the anxiety making you feel so bad but they will put your mind at ease, that is why they are there. I recently had to call them out of hours because I was sure my pains were heart problems ( even though I knew they weren't ). They checked me out and had a wee chat with me and hey presto the pains were gone.

It can be a very difficult spiral to get out of unless you talk to someone from the medical profession. You will be fine and please try to keep in mind that you did have tests that gave you the all clear.

17-02-09, 12:46
well i had the mri scan which picked nothing up what a relief the head pains went away for weeks but today i woke up with them again this time a deep nawing pain on the right side of my head so off course panic again i am so fed up with this now so of course the stroke panic has come back even though the results were all ok will this ever end? i lost a lot of weight the first time with this worry i am now a healthy weight i dont want to go back to square one again

17-02-09, 19:01
I worry about this one all the time I have started getting occular migraines which spiral me into a panic I don't think that those new ads on the TV are helping at the moment they send me into a right state I am sure you are going to be ok I know its easy to say but I am right there with you on this one so reassure yourself you are not the only person who feels like this.

Lots of Love
