View Full Version : Day of Doom - Return to the Dentist II

29-06-05, 09:15
What possesses anybody to be a dentist???? Or a gynaecologist for that matter? They are both very strange professions and i'm sure they must have some sort of pathalogical disorder.

Today I have to return to the dentist and I am really cross, cos I am reasonably anxious. And it started last night. And I don't feel too good. What is it about dentists? I didn't feel this bad when I went for my biopsy.

Last time I went for a check up he noticed that my already filled wisdom tooth had started to “leak” or something, and that some of the remaining “healthy” tooth had got some decay.

How does this happen? I clean my teeth at least twice, if not three times a day, I don’t eat sweets, well not everyday anyway. I’ve got some of that glittery two tone mouth wash that tastes of cloves. I love my teeth and hate the dentist, but still they do this to me.

Anyway, I am maybe a little justified about being anxious. When I originally had the tooth filled, it took over an hour. It was not pleasant to say the least. Since then my dentist (Fred) has retired and we have a nice young man (as my gran would say), who is terribly patient and very kind when I come in going I’m going to be sick. I need the toilet. Fill me now. (Written down that doesn’t sound very good. Maybe I should look at rephrasing that)

Anyway he is really nice, but keeps insisting that I might need an injection. So far he has done three lots of replacement fillings (nobody told me when I first started having them that you had to keep having them replaced. I thought a filling was for life, not just for Christmas). I haven’t had an injection for any and I’ve been fine (I hate needles. I hate injections. I hate waiting. In the ten minutes that it takes for an injection to kick in, he could have drilled out whatever he does and started filling the hole.)

However, having looked in the mirror today, I think I may just have to have one. It is very near the gum, and even I can see that this is not going to be comfortable without some pain relief. And if I flinch at a twinge, well that’s just going to be good by gum in a ****** mess isn’t, unless he is very quick at taking the drill away. And you are talking to the girl who decided to move her tongue across her mouth during her last filling, and wondered why her tongue bled.

I didn’t realise how bad it was actually. Since he told me he needed to do some work on it, I have avoided looking at that tooth in the mirror. I don’t know why. Probably some bizarre mentalist reasoning that if I don’t look it will get better / go away all together.

Anyway, I busied myself last night at work catching up with four weeks of book keeping, enough to send even the most wired person to sleep, I had no beer, but two hot chocolates instead. I went to bed listening to Megs relaxation CD and doing reikei on myself. I still managed to keep waking up, but I just kept putting the relaxation CD on. I think that I might take it with me today. Is there any reason why you can’t listen to a CD Walkman whilst having work done on a tooth? I’ve only go little ear phones that go in your ear? Hhmm

I have a campaign of action, which is to eat as much as I can manage this morning, as I know from experience I won’t be able to eat later, and will then be feeling ill cos I’m hungry, and I won’t be able to eat afterwards anyway.

I’m going to work, and have spent ten minute preparing my arsenal of survival gear - Bach flower remedy, charcoal tablets, peppermint tablets, lavender pulse point aromatherapy perfume, ditto for positivity and bravery, nut mixture, water, Walkman, extra batteries, CD, tissues, and just in case codine phosphate and propranol, some mints, and my JFDI t-shirt.

I have also decided that I am going to walk straight into the dentist, explain that I am really not looking forward to the filling, that I do not really want him to explain what he is going to do and why. Instead I would like to get on the chair thing, do NOT want my head lower than my feet, and would like him to inject the area he thinks will need an anaest

29-06-05, 09:32
Can someone please tell me what JFDI stands for. Thankyou


I really feel for you with the dentist thing.

Its funny I've been going to them for every six months since I was two, never missed an appointment but gosh if you could see me the morning before I am an absolute state. I have to take my hubby with me each time.

What is it that we are so scared about with them.

Good luck and will be thinking of you

Lots of big hugs for you just before you go



29-06-05, 11:27
Good luck chic will be thinkin of you at 3pm. Your not the only one who doesn't like the Dentist, Mine is either suckin on a mint impereal or smells of coffee ( i hate the smell of coffee)

Best of luck chic.

Kitty xux

29-06-05, 12:44
Oh good luck honey

Let is know how you get on.

Mandie, JFDI is Meg's phrase of "Just f*****g Do It". So can see why Charlie might be a bit worried about wearing the t-shirt!


29-06-05, 13:19
Just a quickie cos I am at work and boss can't see PC screen for the moment :D

Hope it all goes well for you Charlie and it is not too painful!

I hate the injections too so I can understand that!

Big Hug and lots of PMA coming your way[:P]


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

29-06-05, 14:04
Hi Charlie,
hope all was ok. by the time you read this, it will be over and done with, and you will be starving! let us know how things went.... i have to be honest charlie, whenever i see any of your posts, i get myself comfy, make a cup of tea and read on..... take care mate. xxxxx

29-06-05, 14:25
Hope it goes well Charlie - let us know!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

29-06-05, 15:11
I'm 9 minutes late ..but will add my positive vibes into the pot !!

The anaethetic may be kicking in round about now so hope you're doing ok ..



29-06-05, 16:03
Hi Lottie

i hope it went well, i hate dentists too, though not as bad as i used to be,
thats it over for another 6 months LOL

hope your not to numb[xx(]

take care

kairen x

29-06-05, 17:25
Hi Charlie

I didn't read this early enough to add my best wishes, but it should all be over and done with by now.

I don't know what it is about dentists that fill us with such dread. I had to go for the first part of work on a filling on Monday and was so anxious beforehand. I've just changed to a nice lady dentist who noticed the look of fear on my face and told me not to worry!

Did you listen to your walkman in the dentist? I've done that before and one dentist actually suggested it as a way to help me feel calmer while the drilling was going on.

Hope you are feeling OK this evening.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

30-06-05, 12:20
Hope it all went well for you hun.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

30-06-05, 21:05


The injection was painful.

The filling was not.

The whole experience lasted 8 1/2 minutes.

The whole anxiety / panic of having my filling totally disappeared - BUT



I'll post further when I've calmed down.



Nemesis - I JFDI'd IT!!!!!!

01-07-05, 05:22
I know the feeling of dread when it comes to going to the dentist. I really REALLY need to go and just can't bring myself to do it. I am so scared that I can't even make the appointment. I have 4 teeth that are in need of major repair. I did go for a first visit (and was very proud of myself thank you very much) but all it took was for him to say I need 2 - yes - TWO root canals for me not to go back. But the main problem of mine is a fear that came along from seeing a dentist when I was around 9 or so slap my sister in the face for crying at the local health department. I know - I am older and a WHOLE lot bigger now and no one would get away with slapping me now ( believe me I'd be in the pokie [B)]). but it is still there that nagging fear in my head saying that I wouldn't have control of the situation. So what do I do to overcome it?

01-07-05, 10:13
oh poor you, mind its much quicker having a tooth out than a filling,

i was really shocked when i had mine out

,my dentist said to me there you are you can go now,
and through all the cotton wool i asked if wasnt going to take it out and he laughed and said its out,

good luck

kairen x

01-07-05, 14:32
Oh dear!
Sorry mate, keep in touch and take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-07-05, 08:55
Obviously you have not been able to sleep for the last two weeks wondering if I'm still in trauma over my dental experience, and waiting for me to finish the story, but I've been house sitting, and not had access to a pc. if anybody is remotely interested, the whole gory story is below ......

Well I can honestly say I now know how to cure my phobia of fillings. There is nothing quite like the dentist telling you that you need a tooth out as you walk into his surgery to totally take your mind of the fact that you are about to have a filling.

In fact I think I said “rowlocks” to him. Morticia never even raised a smile. Of course Dr Doom had an assistant that just made you feel blo** uncomfortable. I would put money on the fact that I wanted to be there even LESS than me, and I’m honestly not crap for a reason, I just felt terrible.

After numerous visits to the loo, an extra dose of charcoal tablets, a cup of peppermint tea and some toast, I drove to the dentist and even managed to get there 4 minutes before I should have, which in itself is something to be proud of. I felt awful, and had a good laugh with the lovely girl on the reception desk about how much I was dreading my appointment. She was lovely, and I hoped that she would be Dr Dooms sequined assistant for the proceedings. Unfortunately not. At 3.11, Morticia summoned me into the torture, sorry treatment room.

Dr Doom asked me how I was, and I said nervous, and I thought I might be sick, but I was sure I wouldn’t be, and could he tilt the chair in such a way that my head wasn’t six foot below me feet as that made me even more nauseous, and if I had to have an injection, which I wasn’t bothered about, unless he was absolutely convinced that I must have it, then could he please give me the injection and start taking the old filling out whilst the anaesthetic was working, and then it would be ready for the painful bit, and I wouldn’t have to sit around and wait, and if possible could he be as quick as possible, and I’m sure that he was a nice man and had lots of friends, but I really didn’t want to be there, and not to take it personal, but I was just being a terrible wimp.

I’m sorry, said Dr Doom, what was that??

Grrr – I may as well have just worn my JFDI t-shirt. It would have been much more to the point.

Anyway, he got me in the chair, and told me that my upper left wisdom tooth, upon the last x-ray had shown signs of decay between the wisdom tooth and the next tooth along, which would be nigh on impossible to fill, as a. I only have a little mouth, and he would need wide access, and b. drills don’t go round corners. Personally, I see this as laziness on tool designers part. Socket sets can go round corners nowadays. Anyway, I could wait for the decay to get to the root, and the pain to start and then have it out, or I could have it done electively.

Then he proceeded to prepare me for my filling.

I’m afraid to say I made a total tit of myself. I had my eyes shut and he told me to open my mouth. I flinched and tensed up as he inserted the syringe into my mouth – only to be told that it was not infact the syringe, but a cotton wool bud. With anaesthetic on to numb the area.

Frankly, I don’t know why he bothered. The needle going in isn’t painful. What is, is the pressure of the plunger pushing the needle into the bone. You practically need an injection to be able to bear the injection.

Anyway, once I was nicely injected, he then decided to take another x-ray of the offending tooth (for future extraction), and asked me to bite down on that funny bit of x-ray plastic stuff that they cram into your mouth at this point. Honestly, Dr Doom is a veritable comedian. First he numbs your mouth so you can’t feel a thing, then asks you to bite down onto a small thin piece of plastic.

The man is a sadist with a sense of humour.

Several attempts later he managed to get a good enough x-ray. I actually have a little mouth (and before anybody passes comment size of mouth is not equatable to volume alright? I have a LOUD voice and a LITTLE mou

19-07-05, 09:32

Verns our current expert now on all things dentistry...He gets gel lol

been (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4408)

xxx Meg xxx

19-07-05, 18:57

A superb post as always and I am so pleased you managed it. :D

I have 2 wisdom teeth that could maybe do with coming out but I am waiting till they absolutely have to and the dentist says something.

You did brill and I enjoyed reading about your suffering as always [}:)][:O]


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

21-07-05, 11:47
i know how u feel im really sacred of the dentist i have 2 broken teeth at the back 1 that gives me infections i have a few topics on that and another which gives me toothache.

i am to scared to go but i have to i cant eat food uless its soft or ill have toothache.

i have made a appotiment tomorrow at 11am to go and see him and i dont know if he will pull it but im hoping he can put a coating in to stop this toothache.

my toothache is that bad that it shoots through my head and my eyes and nose.

and wosrt of it i dont take parcemtals but i had to last night i couldnt cope with the pain and all for eating a bit of fish for tea.

i wish i had vernons nerves to go and get it out.

22-07-05, 20:38
:DHi Charlie,
I never know whether i am meant to laugh or cry when i read your posts, i don't mean to be wicked, but i laughed, yet again. I, sometimes have problems getting out and about, but i think i could manage to escort you, just for the hell of it!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlol

Sue K with 5
22-07-05, 23:31
When I was about 30, which was not that long ago !

I needed to have two wisdom teeth out and I have a fear of being put to sleep, so I decided that I would take my walkman and place prince CD's

They used whats called sedation and I sat in this chair absolutely petrified.

Anyway within 5 mins I had been sedated and was put outside to come to and to get ready to go home.

I felt brilliant! well I felt like hell, but I mean the sedation was so fantasic! I never even knew I had been done!

I know that the fear of dentists is intense, because I still cant go, but then I cant go outside either.

But I have learnt to laugh at my fear of the dentist and I still dont go, but I know when it came to needing a tooth out I would go for the sedation everytime

sue with 5


24-07-05, 21:39
Sue with 5

Thanks - I AM going to book it soon (after I've phoned up to make sure my roots are suitable for extraction or whatever they are supposed to be)


If it helps, you can laugh - I really don't mind. The only people allowed to take the piss out of me are me. (And anybody I have met more than once in real life on the site). I just write it how it is, my post are not supposed to be funny, or anything else for that matter. I just write it how it is. If it makes you laugh, then that can only be a good thing)



Nemesis - I JFDI'd IT!!!!!!

27-07-05, 21:41
Hi honey, what an experience.

I blame lawyers for this sueing culture. I'd sack the lot of them!!!

I'm currently trying to find a local company that will do a bus tour to your local dentist. He might do a block booking and you know how much I hate going too.

Take care, chick and I'll see you soon

Hey I have access to the site, not bad bearing in mind the sadistic ******** I work for. Can you believe they've banned us from all sites that aren't work related. Don't they realise that it's this site that keeps me working.

Hugs all and looking forward to seeing you on the 19th Sept

Love and hugs


27-07-05, 22:01
Jules - surely this is research into your clients needs ??


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

28-07-05, 23:38

I'd sack all dentists too - and I'll see you before the 19th -don't forget the BEER FESTIVAL

And I shall be down for dinner before then anyway!

Excellent news that Nazi's have given in.

I'll phone you tomorrow when Thunder are on - if you can hear us above the sound of 15,000 people sinking into the mud.

We got there today half an hour after the camp site opened - and promptly got stuck in the mud.

My tent is a soggy mess. We are not camping, and are going to walk home each night.

I've even had to buy some Wellies - my Cat boots were mud logged within ten minutes.

My new wellies are ace. NOT. The only size 8's they had are bright pink, with darker pink and white spots on. Soooooo NOT me darhling. And how good are they going to look with combats and my bike jacket?

Wish you were here?????????

See you soon Trench Foot permitting X


Nemesis - I JFDI'd IT!!!!!!

03-08-05, 16:21
Hi all

Charlie work didn't give in. The last post I did, I did from Bec's but forget to say. Though today I have found a back way in from work, not sure how and probably won't work tomorrow but pleased managed it.

Meg, not sure my "clients" need this as research and I certainly couldn't argue it would help or would want to help any of them

Charlie don't forget Bec's party on 20th August.



08-08-05, 09:16
Can I wear my wellies?


Nemesis - I JFDI'd IT!!!!!!

15-08-05, 09:58
oh my god,

what a laugh, i have just read this post avidly, laughing my bits off, talk about brighten my day up,

lottie me gal you do it for me!

I sympathise with the fear of dentists I went on Friday only because I had to though, I was sedated, you could see me running through Blackheath high street chased by a dentist with a blowpipe

an whats this beer festival? when? where?

Youre not the only one with fancy wellies you know, I have leopard skin ones!

Trace xx

15-08-05, 16:11

I expect to see you complete with wellies and scoobies on sat. Also are you staying over?

Mr Bean will be at the BBQ too.

And as a word of warning, don't ever get married. cos yeah the party is great but when you forget when you're meant to go to the dentist, you can find your hubby rings up to find out and then reminds you, lol, not my idea of true love.

See you Sat

