View Full Version : Fluey cold and cough

23-12-08, 22:34
I know that this is sweeping the country at the moment and loads of people have it in my area that is sparsely populated countryside and its really knocking people out.

I started with it 5 days ago with terrible throat and cough then 4 days of constantly runny nose - had flu symptoms for first 2 days and still feel dreadful. I had asthma as a child and anything that affects my lower throat or trachea makes me feel very tight chested. today my nose has stopped running but my head still feels really weird with huge pressures in sinuses and ears but at least the terrible face and eye pain has gone. My cough ahs got much worse and I sound like a barking dog and boy does my chest hurt when I cough. My voice is slowly coming back as well as I went very hoarse and deep.

The person I caught it off I saw today and she is two days ahead of me and she is still barking cough and says she is feeling breathless and as if she has a lump of gunk stuck in her chest. She said she had had to sleep sitting up as she coulnd't stop coughing if she laid down so I know that its bad for everyone.

My 85 yro ld mother in law has now got it and she is not as bothered or worried as I am!

I saw my Dr at evening surgery yesterday and she listened to my lungs and said they were totally clear and to keep up the fluids and steam inhilations for the sinuses.

Trouble is as soon as my cough gets worse or changes or hurts more I panic that I have developed a chest infection. I do not want to go running back to her again tomorrow but then its xmas and I will not be able to go for 4 days.

I have been told by so many people that they were ill for a couple of weeks with it but I expect to get better after 5 days and when I don't or seem to get a bit worse I panic.

23-12-08, 23:42
I woke up with it yesterday :( it is terrible isn't it.

My first day was saturday really, but that day it was just a terrible sore throat.

Then yesterday morning i had the runny nose, headache, the works!

Having a cold is the only thing that i moan so much about! I hate it!

I understand a cold can make us HA'ers here fear that we've got pneumonia or a chest infection.

A chest infection, you'd be coughing up blood and alot and i mean alot of phlegm.

As you said, give it 5 more days, and if it hasn't eased at all, get an appointment at the doctors.

But.. if it has easted in the SLIGHTEST that's great news that it's not a chest infection!

Get well soon.

Lainey x