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24-12-08, 07:34
help im scared i fell all trippy like i dont exist and stuff will this pass ive been felling real dizzy lately and im scared im going to have a stroke since one side of my bod is heavy and stuff should i have some valium

24-12-08, 18:21
thats exactly how i am feeling and like you im really scared im going to have a stroke and also i have sharp stabbing pains in my head on the right hand side well i ended up in hospital cos it scared me and they did a ct scan and lumber puncture and the results were all normal i went to my gp yesturday because i am still scared and he reasured me that it is anxiety and to stop worrying he also told me if i get too paniky to take a diazepam to help calm me so if like me you are paniky and your doctor precribed you the vallium then take one to help calm you i hope you feel better soon

25-12-08, 19:30

The last week or so iv been having this feeling, like really dizzy at times, feeling like iv got something inside my right ear, at times stabbing headaches, sudden onset of feeling generally unwell/lethargic/like i can't do anything, I am not particularly stressed at the moment, but also worry about strokes/ whatever else this could be!

Happy xmas though

Cassi xxx