View Full Version : Name that oral lump...

24-12-08, 08:48
Hi all,

I'm new here but have suffered from HA for around a year and a half now. I've been through MS, breast cancer, bone cancer and now my hang up is oral cancer.

I just wanted to ask if anyone has ever found a small lump/ball in their lower lip (between lips and gums) that was actually inside the skin, not visible from the outside at all and feels like a hard, moveable ball about the size of a grain of couscous (maybe a bit larger)? It's not particularly sore. This is truly a lump/ball and not those little grainy salivary glands things, which I already know are completely normal.

I went to the GP and he said it was an abscess but it doesn't seem plausible. I've also got what feels like a closed throat and because of my HA, I've been so worried the ball is a tumour and I have oral cancer. I've had recurring gum infections for about a year but have been controlling them with a strict hygiene program of brushing and flossing. Don't know if that's a related symptom or just low immunity.

Hopefully someone can give me some reassurance until I can go back to the doctor after the new year and insist that the lump be surgically removed for peace of mind.

Pls help and thanks in advance!!

24-12-08, 10:30
Sounds like an infected salivary gland.

25-12-08, 10:03
thanks for your response angietomjimandcass. I'm hoping it is. My blocked throat is making me worry about it even more, but I know that anxiety can make your throat constrict too.

Hope you all had a great Christmas.

25-12-08, 11:43
Dear Livia, I do not think you have any cause for worry - the chances of this being a cancerous tumour are practically nil. First of all, mucous membranes are prone to all sorts of normal lumps and bumps, I have got several little ones inside my lower lip and also cheek. They have been there for years.

Also, any smooth lump anywhere in the body that is moveable is very, very unlikely to be cancer. Moveable lumps by their very nature are contained within a sac or other 'container' (for want of a better word), and are almost certainly cysts (or small abscesses, as your GP has already said. Believe him! :) ) The constricted feeling in your throat is almost certainly anxiety - our bodies play terrible tricks on us once we get into that worry cycle.

Try to get this into perspective: The symptoms you describe are not typical of a tumour and a doctor has already seen the lump and is not worried. I think you can dismiss it from your mind. Also, if you keep worrying at it with your tongue, you are likely to inflame it and it will be more difficult to forget about. (I am speaking from experience here! :)

Here is what I would do: You have already seen the doctor, who has reassured you, so in the New Year I would make an appointment with the dentist, who will also be able to reassure you. Dentists do not just treat teeth, they are also very experienced in diagnosing and treating any condition of the oral cavity. I am sure he or she will be able to put your mind at rest.

Enjoy the rest of your Christmas - I am sure you have every reason to!

Best wishes from Annie