View Full Version : Hello There

29-06-05, 10:15
Hi Everyone

My name is Nikki and I live in the north of England. I had a major panic attack back in mid march of this year, whilst driving and it scared the hell out of me. Thus I now can't drive and I've always been a confident driver. I try to drive but I get an overwhelming fear of doom and that I may not beable to see properly and that I might crash.

Previous to the attack I was under alot of stress. I felt that I worked my socks off for little reward and praise. I worked 12 hour days and loved my job but because my senior manager had left in December they couldn't appraise my performance for the last year and thats when I started to get angry. Then my nan died in the same week and I ploughed myself into work so as to mask the pain. The funeral was great and it was her day as she had planned and paid for the day years before. Then it was my birthday so I had to come back up north as I had friends staying and the fortnight was an erratic blur. (Sorry to go on)

So I was on a first aid course and all was well. Then on the Friday after a visist to town BANG I was hit with the panic attack only three blocks away from where I live. After that I didn't feel safe out on my own. I went to the Docs who offered anti-depressants, which I declined and took KALMS instead. I was off work for 10 weeks. If I was with someone then I can go out and have fun. If I have to go out on my own then I panic and get filled with anxiety. I feel like I can't control my thoughts or body.

I managed to go back to work but getting the tram into work everyday really stressed me. Then once back at work nothing had changed, work had piled up and I coped but felt apprehensive when I had to get the tram home. I was worried that I might pass out on the tram.

I am now off work again as I felt really anxious going to work after a holiday. I feel anxious on my own and don't know why. I am now trying St Johns Wort and my doc has sent me for blood tests. I am also in the process of getting a counsellor.

I just want my life back!!!!!

Sorry to drone on but I needed to get it off my chest

Nikki :([Sigh...]

29-06-05, 10:24
Hi Nikki

welcome to the site,
sorry to hear your having a bad time,
have your read the welcome page, there's loads of information on there,

I was never keen to take medication off the doctors but i did and it helped me enormously, just till i found my feet again, sometimes you just need a little bit of help,

good luck with the counselling.
take care

kairen x

29-06-05, 13:16
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

29-06-05, 14:35
Hi Nikki,

Yours is a very common onset of panic. Mine was almost similar with occupational stress, bereavements and allowing limitations to kick in.

I hated being left alone and in the end asked Mum to come up from up from Sussex to help me through it.

Thats was years ago now and its all in the past and I'm fine.

Start here First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-06-05, 15:18
Hi Nikki

A big warm welcome


29-06-05, 17:14
Hi Nikki

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-06-05, 18:47
Hi Nikki,



29-06-05, 20:11
Welcome Nikki :D

29-06-05, 21:02
hi nikki,
welcome to the site!
sounds like you have taken lots of positive steps towards aiding your recovery. work seems to be a trigger of your panic - it definitely was with me and it has resulted in me quitting my job - only have a couple of weeks to go. is there any way you can talk to your manager about cutting down your hours?
hope to see you around the forum soon,
henri x

29-06-05, 21:14
Thanx guys for all the support.

It is so nice to know that there are others out there with simililar anxieties. It's horrible when you have to cope alone.

I could have done with you twelve weeks ago!!

nikki xxx

29-06-05, 21:25
Hi Nikki

I too started panic attacks in the car - have you read my story on the website - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/mystory.htm

I still have problems with driving but I have never actually stopped driving altogether - I couldn't cos I had to get to work somehow.

You need to get back in the car at some point and take it slowly. Go for a little drive at night when it is quieter and in time you will gain more confidence.

Welcome aboard anyway.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

29-06-05, 21:59
welcome to the site, Nikki

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

29-06-05, 22:30
hi nikki

welcome to the forum!! glad to have you join us and share your story! anxiety is a natural occurence but those of us that experience it in excess have a terrible time trying to deal with it.. but you CAN do it.. there are ways and means to get past this, so keep in touch and stay positive.

take care,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

30-06-05, 12:04
Hi Nikki, welcome to the forum!! Hope you find everything you wanna know and find over here.

Feel free to drop me a PM for a chat if you want.


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

30-06-05, 12:54
hi nikki,
welcome to the forum, ther are loads of lovely people on here who gives sound advice :D
take care luv sue xx

30-06-05, 16:22
hiya nikki

welcome to the forum

feel free to pm me anytime you want to

leanne [8D]

01-07-05, 09:27
Hiya Nikki,

I had similiar problems to you, and it is taking time to get better, but counselling can really really help.

I only came to this forum at the beginning of the week and evryone is so supportive and friendly. More importantly, they really DO understand!!!!

Take care,

01-07-05, 11:57
Hi Honey,

Welcome to the site...
You've had quite a bit of advise looking over the posts, with nothing to add really.
Where the driving is concerned I agree with going out when the roads are less busy and go from there.
Take little steps at a time....keep coming on here...and don't beat yourself up if you can't do what you done yesterday!!

I would take the offer of help from your G.P with medication if only for a little while.

Hope your road to recovery is a smooth one.
Take care

with good wishes


01-07-05, 14:11
hi and welcome

take care
