View Full Version : new to the site and needing help

25-12-08, 02:42
hi all xx

I'm 19 years old and have been suffering from depression for 4 years. But I have only just started suffering from panic attacks for about 3 weeks. I need some suggestions of things to do to focus my mind on something else as I am going to spend new years at my father's house in Derby but am anxious about the trip down from Sheffield. (Even as I type this thread I'm shaking) Its been almost a year since the last time I was there. I'm also a little nervous about getting there, my thoughts mostly consist of – am I gonna have an anxiety attack on the way? - Is something (anything) gonna happen that's gonna trigger an anxiety attack?

It tends to happen if I feel something is out of place e.g when I can't stop shaking, a stomach cramp, if I suddenly get warmer or if I can feel my heart start to race. I start to go dizzy and I feel a little claustrophobic. It's happened three times this week and I'm really getting sick of it I just wanna go back to how I was last year (although come to think of it I wasn't much better then). Its stopping me from doing the things I want and need to do.

I think I just need something to distract me, something to focus on (which may be difficult as I cannot focus most of the time anyway) I've tried listening to music (which kinda works) but I need something else to focus my mind on just in case the battery on my mp3 player dies.

I also get this heavy feeling in my arms and legs. Its like I've been tied down to an anvil. Unfortunately this is a very familiar feeling ( I've had it quite often this year) I just don't have the energy or the motivation to move.

I really need some help as I don't feel like I can handle this anymore.

z xx

25-12-08, 09:45

I hate to say it but worrying about it will make it worse.
I know it's difficult but if you accept the feelings as 'just feelings' and let them 'come and go' without getting stressed about it they lessen. Of course this is easier said than done. In the long term you need to see your doctor who will refer you for either CBT or councelling. They will teach you how to deal with it and teach you techniques on how to cope. They will also help you to get to the bottom of what is causing them.

If you give me your e-mail address I will e-mail you something my councellor gave me called 'Mindfulness'. It makes you focus on one thing at a time and helps your concentration.
I can also send you a breathing technique that calms the heart. when I do it I don't panic. I stay nervous but don't have the panic attack. Obviously I can't guarentee it for you as you will have to read a document and try to understand what I've written. I was able to have someone sit with me to explain it which always makes things easier.
Even though Panic is awful it cannot hurt you. The symptoms are frightening but the more you ignore them the less they will happen. also try telling yourself that they are just thoughts and let them go. it's difficult to begin with but it does help. even if you don't think it will help do it anyway. I've found that many people continue to have problems because they don't try things. They just say 'that won't work with me'. You must try everything as you won't know until you try. I found that a mixture of EFT, Mindfulness and the breathing technique have helped tremendously.
I'm speaking from experience. I know how hard it is but it can be done.

Let me know if you want the information.
Bunty xx

25-12-08, 11:08
Hello and welcome! I'm Hannah, an 18 year old from England and if you want to talk just message me!

25-12-08, 19:35

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin: