View Full Version : I wanted to enjoy christmas :-(

25-12-08, 13:02
Happy xmas all :-)

Got over all my anxieties of health for xmas, and then last night while ironing, I noticed a symptom.

Here goes:

Where your throat is, ie the voice box, adams apple bit, right in the middle of your throat. I noticed on the side of it lump, really deep in. It hurts around there when I touch it. Now im thinking its cancer. You know the little fatty lumps, you get in your arms and legs, it like them.

Anyone else get these or have any ideas of what it is.

Thanks all :-/

25-12-08, 15:17
They are normal, I have them both sides.

25-12-08, 15:37
There is a lot of glandular tissue around there which can be really tender to the touch. (I have just felt mine and there are several lumpy areas as well.) I am sure you can forget it and enjoy the rest of your Christmas! Best wishes from Annie

25-12-08, 16:22
sounds very like inflammed glands hun, take some anti inflammatories. Aww is horrid when glands up, makes you feel rotten xxxx

tc love sax

25-12-08, 18:13
Thanks for all the replies. Just to let you all no I'm off to see the doc at 7.10 tonight. As my ears and throat are now so sore, I dont want to talk (makes a change for a me LOL )

You all have a lovely evening. Hopefully I can come back and eat my xmas pud xx

25-12-08, 20:00
Hope everything goes well at the Drs xxxx

25-12-08, 21:21

Ok, I have a viral infection. Need to rest etc etc. Couple of glands are up. I mentioned Lypmphoma :-/ he said no its not that. Was nice and explained things. Said to forget the lumps. Now thats where the problem lays now. I have a fight on my hands with that one. xx

26-12-08, 14:06
Hi all, an update for you. I woke up this morning, feel very lethargic and coldy in the head. Throat is very sore to touch on the outside. I guess thats the glands that are sore?

I actually dont think there as lumpy as yesterday.

Does Lymphoma or anything else sinistar with the glands hurt, or is there not pain?

Thanks all, trying to stay sain :-)


26-12-08, 14:15
Hi all, an update for you. I woke up this morning, feel very lethargic and coldy in the head. Throat is very sore to touch on the outside. I guess thats the glands that are sore?

I actually dont think there as lumpy as yesterday.

Does Lymphoma or anything else sinistar with the glands hurt, or is there not pain?

Thanks all, trying to stay sain :-)


You probably have on of the bugs that are going around.

26-12-08, 22:59
I do exactly what you do, feel and prod for lumps, I have a fantastic doc who told me off for doing this, he said never to examine neck , groin etc for lumps as there is no advice to do this, and so many women because of breasts think they need to examine every part of their body, that is why they find things that are harmless, please dont worry, hugs xxx

29-12-08, 19:04
Hi all,

Im still a bit obessed with these glands ARGH!! The ones on either side of my neck, mostly on my right, are like the little tiny ones, you can feel, if you examine your breasts ( ladies only, I would assume LOL ). Is it normal to feel these tiny littles lumps in your neck, very close to your throat
