View Full Version : A sad return

25-12-08, 16:45
It has been awhile since I was here last. So much has happened. I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. It is of the relapsing remitting kind, however, I have had 3 relapses this year and it appears a fourth has started. I now have a motability car, walking sticks of varying kinds and a wheelchair. I recently fell and broke my thumb. Up until recently I was doing well with the PA but they have returned - anxiety is a side affect of many of my MS drugs. I force myself to go out so that I don't become the wreck that I was when I first joined this forum. But I find it harder now with my health so low and no work. I attend an MS group weekly where I can talk to others, partake in pilates and have my nails done. Each week I have to prepare myself to go and panic all the way. But when I get there I seem to just relax.

Ayways enough of me going on - Happy Christmas to all who remember me and to those who don't. I will be lurking around a tad more from now on.


25-12-08, 17:11


So sorry to hear things ain't been going so well for you hun! Sending you big hugs and and i hope 2009 brings you better health.

Lots of love and a Merry christmas to you :flowers:


25-12-08, 17:46
Sorry you have health problems :hugs: It sounds like you do well to keep going despite the anxiety. So well done for that.

I too have limited mobility now but due to osteoporosis which was caused through my own actions so I have only myself to blame. But I do empathise,

I hope the new year is better for you.

Karen xx

Granny Primark
25-12-08, 19:43
aww hun im so very sorry.
I wish I could do something that would take it away.
Just dont think your alone cus you will always get help and support from us lot on nmp.
Loads of hugs and good wishes.