View Full Version : Question about psychologist

26-12-08, 05:53
I've had panic attacks for almost 7 months now, and my doctor has been trying to treat me, problem is, it seems to be I'm growing afraid of taking the meds..etc, so he suggested today I go see apsychologist. He wants me to get diagnosed as to what form of "problem" I seem to have. I've spoken to a regular therapist, but I've never gone to a psychologist before. How long or how many sessions does it take for them to normally find out what the proper diagnosis would be?

And I guess it is possible, for someone to have abit of each one, like general anxiety, health concerns, Agoraphobia...he thinks I have abit of social anxiety as well. I'm just scared that this will never get worked out right or maybe it is a medical condition causing this that they're missing, but if they checked my heart, lungs, kidneys...blood, there isn't much else to go wrong right?

If anyone has any idea how psychologists work, could you please explain to me abit or some of the questions they might ask. I figure they're like therapists but they go abit deeper into the whole "Mind" part of it all. Just didn't make me feel good when my doctor suggested I should, makes me wonder if he thinks I'm losing it, ya know. x.x But I guess, if I can't get a grip on it myself, like he said, he'd rather see me happy since I broke down crying last time. x.x Thanks for any info and advice. Cause I'll have to make an appointment soon.

26-12-08, 15:35
First of all, i do not think the doctors have missed anything, there will be nothing wrong with you- all part of anxiety.
I have never seen a psychologist so i cannot be much help on how they work i'm afraid but my impression (as you said) was that they work more about what's in the mind than a therapist but i this doesn't mean you're mad- just an alternative way to help you. Have you tried CBT? Coz that is another option different from therapy or seeing a psychologist. You will be fine, you just need to find the method that works best for you.
Hope you're ok :)