View Full Version : Awareness of breathing

26-12-08, 11:02
Hi All,

Just over the last few days, I have become aware of my breathing and seem not to be able to concentrate on anything else unless I occupy myself or am asleep.

I've read about breathing for relaxation and know that breathing is an automatic process, but I can't take my mind off it.

Anyone had similar, and can offer tips?


26-12-08, 11:59
:blush: Sorry but you answered your own question:blush:
The best way out of this - is to do something - Exercise / hadicraft / read a good book / even clean the cooker (ha ha ha):ohmy:

It really is a matter of changing your thought pattern.
The only reason I can answer this is that I read about it in one of the many "panic" or "CBT" books.
Good luck :yesyes:

26-12-08, 12:38
Thank you for your reply, June.

I suppose it's just easier said than done. I'll be distracted and fine one minute, then think 'Hey, I'm not thinking about breathing'... and it'll all start again!

Could it also be, perhaps, that I've consciously changed the way I'm breathing? I'm making an effort to breath from my stomach instead of my chest (as I have been doing for a long time). Could that, along with taking anti-acid (PPI) medicines for my acid reflux be a cause?

My stomach feels a bit tight and achy.

Thanks again for your reply. More than anything, I just need reassurance that this will all pass more than anything.

26-12-08, 14:28
Anything :ohmy: that we do differently makes us very aware of the changes.:ohmy:
I have tried to correct my breathing many times over the years, and as you say your tummy feels tight and achy = first thought is OMG what is the matter with me???
I suffer major panic attacks when I have trid to change my breathing pattern.:weep:
and still the medics say ""you must keep on trying"""
it is soooo tiring. SO well done you it looks as if you are winning the battle:yesyes:
Take good care of your self
Best wishes