View Full Version : Stomach / Anxiety

26-12-08, 19:48
:unsure:Hi everybody, I have read several posts and feel relieved that it's not just my imagination! Sorry this is a big whinge, feeling fed up now and that I am the only one in the world with this problem as my GP can't tell me what it is.
My problems for 4/5 years has been my stomach/anxiety. My GP is treating me for IBS, I am taking Colofac and Lansoprazole. No disrespect to the medical profession but I am not convinced it is IBS. My symptoms are constant nausea, upset tummy, nervous tummy stomach feels heavy, feeling of impending doom and gloom, not the typical pain, wind, etc of IBS. I have had treatment for depression/anxiety in the past but weaned myself of mirztepine and felt ok. I have had the stomach problem for so long I realise it is not cancer or my symptoms would have got worse by now. I do have a lot of stomach ache. The worse time is morning once I have gone for a wee in the early hourse (it's me age you know), everything seems to flare up, my stomach/bowels seem to be tensed up and I can actually feel the muscles drop and relax then the stomach feeling starts, no matter how I try to switch off it usually takes me anything from an hour to 2 hours to feel my stomach settle and lets me go back to sleep. I had the pipe up the bum examination, sorry for my ignorance sgy whats it, and it was clear except for slight diverticulitis but was told it was not a problem and shouldn't cause one.Is their anybody out their with similar and what if anything has helped you. Any advice please?ps I can go all day with no food because I can't face it.PPS I don't have many worries in my life but can get stressed like anybody else. Sorry again for the long whinge, hope you've not nodded off! But constantly feeling ill is now getting me down and I work full time so getting to work is an effort.
Regards to all Kath x

27-12-08, 15:52
Thank you Tetley. I will join the chat rooms as soon as I can, being new I understand I have to wait 5 days before I can join in.
bye for now x

28-12-08, 00:23
Hi Kath, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

28-12-08, 09:03
HI there and welcome along to NMP

Funnily enough I am just going through tests just now to try and figure out some weird and wonderful pains i have been having in my bowel area. I am going under the 'suspected diverticulitis' reason for investigation. I truely feel for you.

Pooh x

28-12-08, 11:21
Thank you Pooh and Patty I really appreciate your replies, I have been on the IBS forum and never seem to get a reply that makes me feel even more down and paranoid!!

Feeling a bit better today, but I am still going back for a 2nd opinion. I do try to convince myself it's IBS but my sister and a work colleague has it and my symptoms are not like theres I know everybody can have different symptoms as the doc said iBS doesn't come in a package. Maybe I should just be grateful it's nothing worse, which I am but when your feeling ill you don't think like that do you.

regards to everybody an thank you
Kath :bighug1::) xx

28-12-08, 17:50
Hi Kath,

Sorry to hear about your problems. I tend to agree with tetley that it is IBS with anxiety and panic.

:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice and support.

chat is fun too:biggrin:

28-12-08, 19:34
Thanks Sunshine-lady, What I don't get is that I am not anxious or feeling panicky about anything really. We all have our problems but I have no major problems at the moment my family are all fine, the biggest problem is my husband who has been off work long term with Rheumatoid Arthritis and we are not certain of his future, he is 54 so young to retire. So if I don't feel unduly worried why does it upset my stomach? I understand your brain controls your stomach and if I get emotionally upset I can't eat and my stomach is in knots, but that's just me.

Appreciate your comments.

thanks Kath x:wacko: