View Full Version : Glands

26-12-08, 20:49
Could you please answer my poll, as I need a guideline for glands.

26-12-08, 22:45
i have permanent raised glands 1 below both ears, 2 either side of my chin and 1 in the nape of my neck, they vary in size but they are always there, my doctor told me its a sign i have a healthy active immune system, hope this helps

26-12-08, 22:47
That is rally interesting Marlou, thanks for sharing that.

27-12-08, 00:00
The glands under my armpits have been swollen for the past 6-8 months my doctor said thats normal after glandular fever and they could stay raised for a significant amount of time. As for glands on my neck they arent raised but they cause me discomfort the majority of the time

01-01-09, 21:00
Those of you, who have glands up on your neck,could you tell me roughly how many you have up please. Im still need ing help on all this. xxx

01-01-09, 21:09
I have just one that is constantly swollen, below/behind my right ear. I think it's the parotid. The others only come up when I'm ill.

03-01-09, 21:18
Past few months, been having swollen nodes on both sides of my throat (cervical region). They originally swelled right before I had a cold or something, and they're still swollen. They seem to get smaller after I exercise, but they never fully go away... they're my main concern now. :*( However, it seems as if the ones on the left side of my throat are more pronounced in swelling. There's two nodes that feel "nodular" and round. They alternate in size. One of them is small while the other is big, but it always seems as if the top one is larger than the one below it. I'm not sure if this is how the nodes are situated in the body, and one node is facing directly outward and the other rests against the wall of the throat with it's longest side parallel to the wall...I don't know...I've tried looking up diagrams of neck lymph nodes, only to become more confused.

I also have slightly enlarged glands on the back of my neck, they never really returned to their normal size after I came down with chicken pox about 8 years ago.

Arghh....swollen nodes are just as worrysome for me as they are for you, I'd imagine. Unfortunately a lymph node excisional biopsy is probably in the range of a billion dollars, and since I am still under health care with my parents, I would feel tremendously guilty to have one performed if it turned out I didn't have a tumor or anything. So, I'm just living in fear...it sucks. It really does.

03-01-09, 22:02
I have had swollen glands/lymph nodes since beginning of 2007 in my neck and in left armpit. They are permanantly swollen in neck (either side of throat, behind ears, under chin). Last November I saw ENT specialist and had fine needle aspiration from one of the swollen ones in neck, then had it removed and then had CT scan of neck - all came back clear. They suggested it might be more of a dental problem so had 2 wisdom teeth removed but glands still swollen. I was also told its a sign of an active immune system and to be honest I rarely get common colds so may be some truth in it. I first saw doc about it in July 2007 coz I felt so ill with it (really tired mainly) and had blood done which was fine but I stupidly googled symptoms and panicked at what google told me so I kept going back to docs til they referred me to ENT. Bottom line is there was nothing medically wrong but I still have swollen glands constantly. hope that helps some?

04-01-09, 00:36
Ah...darn that Google! It always spits out worst case scenarios first. I guess that's a good thing...better to be overly worried than oblivious..

Can a regular GP or doctor's office perform a fine needle aspiration?

22-01-09, 19:05
i have a lump on my jaw all the time for the past few months, and when im especially ill i have a pea sized painful one just below it.
GP said she thinks that side of my face feels "fuller" but said my glands are okay.
yes it is a worry, it is painful if i push it, is that normal.!!

hope this helps


22-01-09, 19:49
My glands are permanantly up and swollen as I had glandular fever when I was 15, Mumps when I was 18 and reacurrent tonsilitis for 6 months age 19. They do cause me discomfort most of the time, especially if they catch on a collar or something. But they are agony when I am ill. The doctor says this is completely normal though and that they probably will not go down now anyway.
I hope this is of some help.
Bethan x

22-01-09, 19:53
it is painful if i push it, is that normal.!!

hope this helps


Yes it is normal jools, Mine hurt all the time if I push them or accidently knock them.
Bethan x :)

13-02-09, 10:33

i have a gland that's always raised just behing my left ear, it came up years ago after a bout of flu and has never completely went away, when im ill run down it really raises up, seen the gp about it and says it really isn't anything to worry about, plus i have had it for years, hope that helps you a bit xx

04-03-09, 21:33
I have a swollen gland that i found on the right side of my neck about the size of a bean that has never got bigger or smaller, very easy to move. My doctor said i shouldnt need to worry so i just try to forget about it.

17-03-09, 17:54
I won`t say much on this subject because everyone has glands - lymph nodes. Sometimes they become larger, usually this is due to an infection.

19-03-09, 12:53

I have little lymph nodes on the sides of my neck which have been there for at least two years. I also have one in my cheek not too far from my mouth. I have one under my chin to the side as well. I dont have any under my arms and the dr told me that this meant the ones in my neck were not of concern, She said that everyone has some glands that remain permanantly swollen ( you can feel them) indefinatelly follwoing a virus or infection, she said ussually they are small and wobble about easily( depeing on where they are within muscle) They are a constant source of worry to me which I am trying to battle with at the moment

Dont know if this helps you

Lisa x

14-04-09, 15:44
Usually mine are only raised when ill, but I remember reading that they can be up for all sorts of reasons (even something like acne). Thier job is to fight infection so really they could be up fighting a cough of small viral infection you have, but the fact that they fight it means you'll never show symptoms and be fine

19-04-09, 09:25
mine are constantly up either side of my neck, that said when people say my glands are up this is over 1cm in size mine are below 1cm

01-05-09, 07:21
i'm not that old to understand the technicall terms of swollen glands, but i am now having trouble breathing, there is only a small gap for me to swallow now and most of it is taken up by my tonsills. I havent ate for 3 days, and i am seriously worrying about my health, help? please ?