View Full Version : is it to much booze?

26-12-08, 21:03
Hi all, As you know from my previous posts i have been soooooooo much better since discovering 5 HTP , anxiety has all but gone, and mood in general a lot lot better........However in past 4 days i have been quite wobbly again and feeling bit "iffy", also noticed chest pains and heart worries have crept back!!
Do you think its because i have been drinking quite bit , what with crimbo celebrations!?????

26-12-08, 22:47
it sounds like anxiety to me! I'm a drinker, i wish i wasnt but it helps me deal with my problems!!!

26-12-08, 22:53
Hi Geddy,

Alcohol is a depressant, so if you are feeling rough after drinking, it could be this. Then again anxiety, its difficult to tell really, unless it carries on, after you have stopped drinking again?

What is 5 HTP

27-12-08, 17:56
hi geddy

What is 5 htp?


27-12-08, 21:49
5 htp
is bloody amazing, its bodies natural SERATONINE!!

28-12-08, 09:54
Booze always makes me anxious the next day.