View Full Version : midcycle bleeding!!/ovarian cancer update!!

26-12-08, 23:07
2 docs have said they dont think ovarian cancer, and apart from the show of blood midcycle I dont think I've had any symptoms, the second doc has taken swabs and examined my ovaries and neck of womb, (she said they felt fine, but am worried because I've had lower back pain for 3 days now just like period back pain and my period ende just as the pain started!!

26-12-08, 23:28
How old are you??
I started with odd period things in my late 30's - i had months of mid cycle spotting that carried on till my period started this lasted on and off for 2 years - had biopsy and ultrasound and all normal so told it was hormones.

I was then okay for about 4 yrs - normal cycles etc then I hit 45 yrs old and all hell broke loose. I had late periods - ovulation pain lasting weeks - spotting lasting months with no periods- then periods that I thought i was bleeding to death. Had more tests - D&C/ biopsy/ultrasound etc and again everything completely normal - I even hae the ovarian cancer blood test .
AFter nearly 2 yrs of this madness I had 4 months period free then 6 months of normal cycles but off we go again - just had 8 week no period and now heavy bleeding for a week.

In my case its the joys of approaching menopause.

If you are really really worried ask for a pelvic utrasound - anything really sinister will show up - I know as my cousin has ovarian cancer and hers showed up on a normal routine pelvic ultrasound.

27-12-08, 00:01
thankyou, I'm 39, I have problems with eating and weight too and also have a tendency to drink too much!! due to my anxieties!!!

27-12-08, 07:09
I'm really panicking now, I googled it and back pain is on the list, do you think the doc would have felt something though????

Boos Mum
27-12-08, 13:22
are they doing an ultrasound?

27-12-08, 14:07
are they doing an ultrasound?

she said they'd get the swab results and take it from there, so i would imagine that'll be the next step... am just so scared cant eat or sleep