View Full Version : Colon Cancer... Anal Cancer...or just hemroids PLEASSSSSSSSSSSE HELLLLLPPPP!!!

27-12-08, 04:16
hi so i thought i was doing better, but now i am convinces i have anal / colon cancer....my doc does not even take my seriously anymore, so i am warning you guys this is kinda gross... so over a week ago i noticed mucus in my stool like really thick mucus, now i have been constipated for the last two weeks i have not had a proper bowel movement, i also have hemroids, a couple of years ago i had this external hemrioid which the doc looked at, but today i just noticed to other lumps near my anus, and i feel so much pressure around that area... i read that sometimes hemorids are misdiagnosed and are actaully signs of cancer... i am soooooo scared rite now....is there any reassurance this is not cancer????????????

ps so far i have no bleeding there

27-12-08, 11:03
hi so i thought i was doing better, but now i am convinces i have anal / colon cancer....my doc does not even take my seriously anymore, so i am warning you guys this is kinda gross... so over a week ago i noticed mucus in my stool like really thick mucus, now i have been constipated for the last two weeks i have not had a proper bowel movement, i also have hemroids, a couple of years ago i had this external hemrioid which the doc looked at, but today i just noticed to other lumps near my anus, and i feel so much pressure around that area... i read that sometimes hemorids are misdiagnosed and are actaully signs of cancer... i am soooooo scared rite now....is there any reassurance this is not cancer????????????

ps so far i have no bleeding there

How do you know you have other lumps on your anus?

There is nothing to be scared about, haemorrhoids can be very painful and being constipated doesn't help.

Regarding mucus on your stools many people get that it is nothing to worry about.

If your doctor thought you have cancer of the bowel he would have referred you to a consultant.

agent orange
27-12-08, 12:34
Mucus and fresh blood in stools or when you wipe is quite common with a lot of people (me included). To be very basic if you wipe a lot blood may occur because of either piles or roughness/broken skin. If you have I.B.S mucus is very common. I would only worry if there was dark blood/black tarry stools which indicates that there is bleeding further up the bowel. I hope this may help?

27-12-08, 17:50
hi jkse

Try and do what i do when Im constipated. Drink plain hottish tap water with a bit of sugar in throughout the day. Take 2 doses liquid Sennocot at night.

I have a lump near my anus have had it for 56 years so I wouldn't worry too much.

Love rosy

27-12-08, 18:20
hey guys thanks for the feedback this does put me at ease a bit...i guess alot of my worrying has worsened the problom....but another question...so i have tried changing my diet up a bit... does this take a while to actually work ( I havent had a bowel movment in almost a week? also i am not as active as i used to be can that also make a difference? and a question for the other women my period is also a bit late and i am experpincing many of my period symptoms just no bleeding could that be a contributor to the consipation as well??? once again thanks guys i do feel better

27-12-08, 18:37
Hi I agree with Agent Orange. I have spoken to the doc about this kind of thing myself. Try not to worry, if your doc was concerned, they would of referred you

28-12-08, 22:59
Hi there,
I've had those worries as well, and yes I have heamorroids as tol. With bleeding sometimes also. This maily only happens when I pass hard stools which make anal fissures( small tares ) around the anal opening. Nothing to worry about and they heal after a day or so. I've been to the specialist for colonoscopy to make sure ( cam up the bum ) and all they found was that I was a little lactose intolerant. Now the preperation for the colonoscopy isn't fun. It's taking a large amount of laxtives to clean your colon out. So that means after taking the stuff sitting on the loo for hours...
The things we do for peice of mind hey :)
Anyways the specialist told me to take metamucil. It's a fibre supplement to help get things moving in a soft and VERY regiular way. You can get them in varius flavours and I kow the orange one tastes pretty good.
Hope things get better for you.

04-01-10, 09:25
Hi I have spoken to the doc about this kind of thing myself, as my father has the same problem. Yes if it were serious, the doctor would definitely refer you to a specialist. But if you do want to know more just go to caring.com (http://www.caring.com/articles/colorectal-cancer-risk). This site can give you lot of information.