View Full Version : sorry..

29-06-05, 20:25

I was just wondering if it would be ok to just vent about something...

Tomorrow i have my counselling appointment, i havent been for two weeks due to illness. I was in hospital briefly. Im really anxious about leaving the house and getting on the bus. I have been having seizures and im so scared that i wil have one again. It scares me that i cant control it. hmm..

Do i sound silly? I hope not. I really am panicking. Its quite annoying - i already have that sinkinf feeling i nmy stomach and it isnt even thursday yet.


Donna x

29-06-05, 20:35
Hi Donna,
We all vent our fears, anger frustration etc here, so no prob. and you are not silly...do you have to go alone tommorow? Obviously if someone could be with you maybe that would help. Also i know you haven't been for a few weeks, but, at least you know the person you are seeing? i know none of this will be helping you right now, but once you are there you can have a good chat and advice will be given. I can't advise on the seizures but i'm sure someone willl come along shortly to advise you on that! Try to relax the best you can, you will be fine, have a bath, listen to some music, relaxations tapes, anything to take your mind off of tomorrow. this is all so much more easier said than done but a bit of breathing, a bit of relaxation, and a few hours sleep will help. xxx

29-06-05, 20:42
hi Donna,

I had a seizure a while ago and it really can be a scary experience!! Are you epileptic or have they just come out of nowhere? I used to be terrified about having another one and still am sometimes. I was always scared about leaving the house in case I had one until I realised that when you're outside, you're surrounded by people who would help you if you needed it. Try to have a relaxing evening and just remember that you have nothing to be scared about..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

29-06-05, 20:43
Thankyou Carlin. I suppose i could ask my sister to tag along with me - though i would feel quite embarassed as shes the little sister - its supposed to be me looking out for her...part of me thinks that if i asked someone to go with me i would be avoiding the issue - like i should force myself to go alone, but then i get all panicky and - it just feels like one step forward, three steps back lately.

Thankyou for the advice - im definitely going to stick on some relaxation tapes. Having a bath wont work because my mum has to sit outside the door and listen out incase i fit hehe - how annoying! [V]

I really hope that i am able to get there tomorrow - as the chat will help me loads.

Donna x

29-06-05, 20:48
Sarah - i have been having them for nearly a year now - finally the doctors have decided to diagnose me with epilepsy. My EEG test showed up ok but apparently that doesnt necessarily rule out epilepsy. So i will be starting antiepileptic drugs soon i think.

They are really scary - you are right though - being outside is probably better. I just sometimes get paranoid that i might have one whilst crossing a road or something! Just panicky really!

Thnakyou for your reply!

29-06-05, 20:49
sorry to hear how you feel donna, you are not silly no way you are like 1000s of others, cant you get someone to take and collect you? or even ask them and tell them you havnt been well?

29-06-05, 20:52
Donna - have you had an MRI done?

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

29-06-05, 20:59
Sarah - No i havent - i am waiting for an appointment to come through to go back to the neurology consultant - so maybe he will say i should have one then i dont know. It seems to be taking so long to sort out, waiting lists etc.

Vernon - thankyou for your reply! i might ask my sister to go with me...

29-06-05, 21:05

Are you on any medication yet ?

Normally you get an aura a few minutes beforehand so you could get yourself to safety first.

Now you are diagnosed you may like to ask to see a nurse specialist in epilepsy who can advise you in all the social aspects of living with epilepsy.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-06-05, 21:09
Good luck at the neurologist Donna - let us know how you get on. I had two MRIs done and they aren't fun but they are the most efficient test for finding irregularities in the brain - much moreso than an EEG..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

29-06-05, 21:22
Hi Donna

I agree with Vernon, take someone with you tomorrow. Then when you go the next time you can have positive thoughts, that you got through it the previous week and you can now do it again. I have my first counselling appointment next week and I am definately taking someone as I wouldn't make the journey alone.

Have you a person who you feel is safe that can go with you, or change it to a time so that your safe person can go with you?

Good Luck

29-06-05, 21:35

Not wonder you are worried! Sorry to hear about the fits and I hope they get sorted soon with a proper diagnosis etc.

I am sure you will be fine tomorrow but I can understand your worries. Let us know how it goes ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

29-06-05, 23:55
Good luck for the appointment tomorrow Donna.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

30-06-05, 01:45
Is it possible you can get a taxi ?

It will be more expensive but at least you will know you will get there in one peice.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

04-07-05, 10:08
Thankyou for your help everyone,

I made it to my appointment - i swallowed my pride and got my sister to go with me on the bus. The appointment went ok too. Im just waiting for the neurologist appointment to come now, it seems to be taking a while...

Anyway - thankyou all so much

Donna :D

04-07-05, 14:24
Well done Donna for getting there.

04-07-05, 19:04
Well done Donna.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

04-07-05, 19:43

Great that you made it ok - it doesn't matter that someone went with you. Hope that the results are all clear.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

05-07-05, 13:53
Hi Donna,
well done, you have coped so very well, never worry about taking people with you for appointments etc.. this is common practise with people with anxiety and those without, it just takes the edge off of waiting on your own, you can chat etc..hope all turns out ok for you take care and keep in touch xxx

05-07-05, 16:14
well done donna

keep smiling, stay positive
