View Full Version : Light headed feeling (together with all my other nasal/head symptoms)

27-12-08, 20:47
:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: Christmas day was a complete wash out, sat down to eat meal and overwhelming light headed feeling washed over me. Hard to explain, felt dizzy and out of it, then face pain started....
I am panicing that this is the next symptom of a brain tumour (added to my other pain symptoms)
I am scared as the docs are just referring me to a pain clinic, but this is a new symptom, so does that mean I should go back to the gp??
It happened again today whilst I was in a shop.... out of the blue....
Any ideas?

27-12-08, 22:56
Hi fairloveheart

Sorry to hear Christmas was not good for you. The symptoms you are describing are very similar to sinus problems have you had a cold recently that may have left you with these symptoms.

I hope things improve for you soon.


28-12-08, 12:34
The symptoms have been going on for a year now, but the dizziness has just started this past week, since 23rd, I think I am dying

28-12-08, 13:05
Hi Fairyloveheart

Please make an appointment to go and see the GP, if it is worrying you that much you really should go and get some reassurance hopefully the GP will put your mind at rest.

I am sure you are not dying it is probably something that the doctor can sort out for you just go and talk to him or her and see what they say.

Carol x

28-12-08, 18:39
i had face pain too..doctor said neuralga ...prescribed nortrytine..much better in a few days so stopped the drugs..just a little presure now

29-12-08, 17:36
The doc just said we'll do some blood tests and not to worry if it is not a veil of black passing over my eyes or vision problems

29-12-08, 17:44
i had face pain too..doctor said neuralga ...prescribed nortrytine..much better in a few days so stopped the drugs..just a little presure now

About two years ago I had Trigeminal Neuralgia and it was agony the doctor prescribed me Tegretol they were brilliant, thank goodness.

29-12-08, 20:44
My legs and arms feel really heavy too, like they are sinking into the sofa....argh what is going on???

30-12-08, 09:58

im so scared now reading your post, about a brain tumor, ive had a cold and i know thats all it is, but i think my sinus are up too, anyway for the past 3-4 years ive had a tingly scalp at times, feels itchy and tingly only lasts for a split second but i notice it, it dosnt hurt and i never get headaches or lightheaded but these feeling are driving me mad, ive also had optical migraines for years about 4-5 years

ihad one the other day, ive just come on my period and this is usually when it happens, but im worring now thats vision probs, along with the tingle, what if its a tumor???

the dr said anxiety can cause the head feelings but how?? and especially when im not that anxious.
Leanne xx

celia davies
30-12-08, 17:46
because wen u are anxious it releases a chemical in ur brain which courses the symptoms,ive suffered wiv my sinuses an wen they r blocked that courses head pressure and dizziness its horrible thinking u have a brain tumour ive been through it about a yr ago but if u had a brain tumour u would hav alot more symptoms balance,headaches,passing out,tremours sight problems an alot more try not 2 worry xx

30-12-08, 18:06
Hi Leanne, please try not to worry, my symptoms have been going on for over a year now. I didn't mean to make you worry. You never have headaches either so that's good. xxx

I keep feeling really dizzy - have to wait till next tues to have my blood taken....

31-12-08, 14:20
Not having a good day today at all, I just can't shake off the feeling I am dying... :( I am so worried that I may just collapse and die from the undiscovered brain tumour that is getting steadilt bigger inside my head. The lightheadedness is getting mroe frequent and of longer duration. I just don't feel well atall. It sems so long to wait for the blood test, and the results will then take up to 10 days afterwards.... :(

31-12-08, 14:42
Any new symptom that worries you should be checked out by your GP it gives you peace of mind.

I have had the sudden onset of dizziness and headaches for a lot of years and still get it as part of my anxiety symptom list.
I pretty much forced my GP and my Neurlogist into giving me an MRI of the brain even tho they told me I never needed it cos I was convinced I had a brain tumour and it came back totally clear.

You have to try not to worry about it or google symptoms etc.
Waiting for results of any tests can be nerve wracking and by worrying raise our anxiety levels and create new feelings and symptoms.
Your dizziness could be something as simple as hyperventilating or just a reaction to how tense you are.
Anxiety is a weird animal but by worrying and thinking negatively constantly you are feeding it and making it worse.
Try to relax and stay positive and I am sure you will feel better.

31-12-08, 14:48
Thanks for the advice, it is just soooo hard. The lightheadedness comes on at random times and that is why I tink it can't be anxiety, if I am busy, or at rest it happens.... not when I am worrying. If it was anxiety related wouldn't it just come on when I am thinking about it all????

31-12-08, 15:44
My dizziness can come on anytime...even when I'm sleeping!!
And not only when I am noticably anxious..tiredness makes it worse too or spending too much time on the computer.

Sometimes it is accumulated anxiety that can catch up with you too.
If you have been worrying about things all day then forget about them they can still be sitting in the back of your mind niggling away at you.

Try to chage your focus away from the feeling and distract yourself.
Don't waste your thoughts on it.

If it is really worrying you chat to your GP about and that will make you feel better.

Until then enjoy yourself it is New Year.

31-12-08, 16:06
Have chatted to the GP and they just said, they'll take some bloods and can't reassure me 100% that it isn't a brain tumour as can never reassure anyone 100% of anything...

31-12-08, 16:17

My anxiety attacks and symptoms often are worse when I am not thinking about it and WHAM there they are - in a split second

I get the same feelings as you and think 'its going to happen and I will die and then they will discover what was wrong' etc etc - horrible horrible feeling and I have real sympathy will you and understand how truly awful those feelings are

The worse thing is as you know the symptoms are real - not imagined - my GP told me that - they really are physical so again I understand you really do feel as you say

Try and stay strong - I know its not easy

Mark x

31-12-08, 16:35
We all know that the symptoms we feel when we are panicking or are anxious are frightening and they are oh so real, but it is how you handle them when they happen that means if it gets worse or better quicker.

Your GP was a bit silly saying that to you as that has only heightened your anxiety. No one can ever be 100% sure of anything but I am sure if he thought you were seriously ill you would be in hospital not at home.

Go back if this is taking over your day to day life and even go to see a different GP if you are not happy with your own one and tell them all your symptoms and fears.
If you feel you can't tell them, then write it all down, everything that is bothering you and every symptom you have so that they can address them all and there is nothing left for you to stress about cos you haven't brought it to your doctors attention.

Speak to a close family member too if you have someone understanding close to you it can help a lot.

Please try not to let the worry spoil things for you.

02-01-09, 08:00
Have chatted to the GP and they just said, they'll take some bloods and can't reassure me 100% that it isn't a brain tumour as can never reassure anyone 100% of anything...

Hello I am over here now:)

Did they rule out Trigeminal Neuralgia?

I really hope they get this sorted out for you especially if it is something like TN.

The trouble is there are so many nerve endings in the face and this makes the pain worse e.g Toothache.:weep:

02-01-09, 12:57
Yes,they said it wasn't that. I now have such pain in my neck and shoulders too. I think it is a pituitary tumour. The dizzy spells is what is worrying me most, it just comes over me and I feel awful and sick and really light headed. I then have the pain in my face afterwards. Now they are referring me to the pain clinic it means they won't look at me again and I will just have to wait until something bad happens. I am so scared, I can't take it anymore :(

02-01-09, 17:44
Hi fairy,

You have to stop trying to self diagnose yourself ( I know we all do it but it is dangerous and only feeds the anxiety and makes us feel so much worse)
I saw your post on Boos Mum's thread and it is a shame she has been diagnosed with the tumour but you musn't convince yourself you have this problem or any other without a proper diagnosis by a trained professional or you will live in fear worry and keep the cycle going.

I have had the dizziness and pains for years and have had all the nasty things ruled out and have to accept these are symptoms of my anxiety.

I think you should go back to your GP and see them and explain your fears and tell them again how you feel. Tell them everything so they know how worried you are about these symptoms you are having.
They will listen and decide the best things to do to put your mind at rest and are fully qualified to make a proper diagnosis. Doing it yourself on the internet is a recipe for disaster as we are all capable of marrying our symptoms to a really bad illness if we want to.

I am sure if your GP thought you were seriously ill he or she would be treating you accordingly.

Hope you feel better soon.


02-01-09, 18:02
Thanks for your advice, I know you are right and when having my rational moments, I agree, then I just seem to sink into this rut where I can't cope and am just so on edge. I have told the gps how I feel and they just said they are satisfied that I can be referred to the pain clinic. I can't bear another year like 08.

02-01-09, 18:13
Are they aware how much distress all this worry is causing you??

Have you told them about the dizziness too??

Don't be afraid to go back and see them, that is what they are there for.

02-01-09, 18:41
I think so, last time she said to me....how can I help you rid yourself of these thoughts....
Yes, have told about the dizziness and am having the blood tests as a consequence of this as this is a 'new symptom' as opposed to the others.
I am having blood tests on Tues, so i guess will go back when the results are in and start from there. :(:(

02-01-09, 18:49
I am sure you will be fine.
You are going down the same road a lot of us go down and once you have been treated for the "symptoms" and had your results back then you should feel better.
Think positively and try not to let the worry ruin the next few days until you get your results and try not to google the symptoms you have.

Be strong and stay positive.:)

02-01-09, 18:55
Thanks, will try :( Not sure how I can cope with going back to work on Monday!!

14-03-09, 19:17
hello fairylove
I have just been reading your posts. I have recently started with the dizziness symptoms. I started with numbness/pins and needles and had loads of other things too.

I just wondered what happened about your blood tests and how u r coping with your dizziness? I have been having really weird dizzy spells. I could just be sat watching tv then have a headrush and feel really dizzy and it is realluy scary. Even sat here now feel like I am swaying. Arghhhhh!!

I am going to have an mri scan next week that doc referred me for ages ago coz of the numbness etc. Mayve if u r really worried ask to be ref'd to a neurologist.

Anyway let me know how your r doing xxx